Chapter Three

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Halfway through the first episode of the second season of Keeping Up Appearances, I heard the sound of a key turning in my room's lock. The time read 11:47pm in the corner of my Samsung, way too late for someone to be coming in the dorms - at least that was what the dorm rules manual said.

My heart was beating so fast, as if threatening to come out of it's cage. My palms were shaking and sweaty, too sweaty that my phone ended up slipping out of my hands and fell on the floor. I let out a scream when I heard the doorknob turn and the door open.

Being dark, I couldn't see who it was that was on the door but upon hearing my scream, the person also started screaming. That went on for a few seconds till I turned on the bedside lamp and cast my eyes on the intruder.

She stopped screaming and squinted her eyes at me. I recognized her from the dorm register - she was my roommate. Removing her hand from her chest, she let out a long breath and dropped her travel bag on the floor with a thud.
"Are you my roommate?" she asked

"Hi," I replied

"I'm so sorry. If I had known that you were in, I would have knocked. I scared the shit out of you, huh?"

She seemed nice so far. She opened the travel bag, removed a small bottle, sat at the reading table and started removing her makeup. While she did all that, I inspected my phone. It was still working but the screen hadn't survived the fall as it sustained multiple cracks.

"I didn't get your name, by the way. My name is Melanie but I go by Mel most of the time."

"I kinda already knew your name from the dorm register," I admitted. "I'm Caroline Smith, freshman in medical laboratory technology."

"You're a science student? Must be smart. I do performing arts."

I didn't know that was a thing. "Performing arts?"

"Yeah. Like theater, film, music and dance."

That did sound like fun, more fun than spending an entire day locked up in a lab, analysing blood and other bodily fluids that may certainly be unpleasant. Then again, I liked my course, kind of. I'd always wanted a career in the medical field and working in the lab was perfect for me. I got to work behind the scenes and that was my kind of thing.

After removing all her makeup and releasing her hair from the very high ponytail, she then started applying a couple of other things I couldn't tell what they were. I couldn't help but ask. It was probably too late for conversation but I wasn't finding any sleep either. Plus, she looked like she didn't mind a chirpy roommate.

"What's that? What are you applying on your skin?"

"Just skin care stuff. I have to look good always."

"Have to?"

"Oh, yeah. All public figures kinda have to."

Public figures? "What?"

"What do you mean what?"

"Are you a public figure?"

Mel burst out laughing, slipping her thigh as well.
"I guess I'm not as famous as I thought. I'm an upcoming actress but I have a good enough following and people recognize me more often."

"So, you've acted in movies and stuff?"

"Not anything major. Just small roles and more theater than movies. That's kinda my thing. I was actually performing a play tonight; that's why I'm late."

Oh, that made sense. We talked for almost another hour till she finished her skin care routine and had to meditate. I slept off before her meditation session, completely forgetting about the fact that my family hadn't contacted me in sixteen hours.

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