Chapter -6

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Author pov.

Shekhawat's family was sitting in the living room. Every member of the family was staring at Neel who was engrossed in his laptop doing his work. He was clad in a three-piece Armani suit. Feeling the stare of his family member he looked up from his laptop to see his family eagerly looking at him.

"Why are you all staring at me like this"

Veer pouted by looking at his brother.

"Bhai, you can't be serious come on tell us do you like bhabhi or not "

Listening to his baby brother calling the girl "bhabhi" Neel raised his eyebrow.

"I didn't even say yes veeru and stop calling her Bhabhi"

Arjun= Bhai come on everyone knows that you like her just say yes so that we can start preparing the marriage.

Neel = Aren't you too eagerly waiting for my wedding why don't you get married instead I guess Sameer won't mind it.

Arjun who was drinking the juice choked badly on his drink. Wipping his face with tissue paper he looked at his elder brother who was looking at him calmly.

Arjun= Marriage? Me and Sammy.

Kairav= why? I don't think it's a bad idea.

Arjun=Oh really what about you instead of worrying about me and my Sammy you should worry about yours and Aaru's marriage.

Kairav who was about to give him a comeback reply got interrupted by Veer who was looking at all of them with a frown.

Veer= bhaiya and Big B why are you both arguing? We know that you both are engaged but here we are talking about Bhai's marriage.

Neel who was about to take a breath of relief got taken aback by his little brother.

Arjun = Yes, bhaiya why are we even fighting with each other?

Kairav = Come on Bhai, tell us your answer so we can start preparing for the marriage.

Neel = Okay fine, I like her anything else.

Listening to him, everyone congratulates each other.

Veer=wow, that's great finally there will be a marriage in our family I am so excited.

It has been two months since Veer was reborn. In these two months, he opened his YouTube music channel and he got thousands of followers. His followers on YouTube gave him the name =Melody Maker. No one knows what the melody maker looks like because he always wears a mask or never shows his face to the camera. In these two months, his best friends get engaged with his elder brother.

His bhaiya and Big B liked them when they came to his house for a sleepover. At that moment his big brother who has a mouth without a filter directly proposed to Sameer for marriage. where else his bhaiya took two weeks to propose to Aarohi. When he asked his stupid friends why did they agree?

Surprisingly, his stupid friend took one month to agree with his brother.

According to Aarohi and Sameer, they both have a crush on them since childhood.

He still remembers when Sameer spoke through sign language " You know veer your brother used to come at Malhotra mansion with your father for a business meeting or some kind of discussion. He was the only person at that time who spent time with me and played with me. He never makes fun of me and always supports me when my cousin makes fun of me or bullies me.  Your brother complained about my cousin to my father and my father punished them But after some time your brother stopped coming to my home. That's how I got a crush on your brother but dude I never knew he was your elder brother."

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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