Meeting the Great Alpha

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Willa's POV

I looked around the Wolf's Den in shock. The moonstone had been stolen! Who would do such a thing? The moonstone was our lifeblood. Without it, when our necklaces ran out of power, we would die.
I had to warn the other werewolves...but if I did that, they would probably panic or want revenge.
Just then, my brother, Wyatt, walked up to me.
"Hey, Willa! What's up?" He asked. Then he noticed that the moonstone was missing. "Hey, where's the moonstone?"
"Your guess is as good as mine," I answered. "It appears it was stolen."
"Who would do such a thing?" he asked.
I shrugged. "No idea... other than the early Seabrook settlers, but I doubt they did it this time."
"Agreed," Wyatt replied. "So what now?"
"We try to find the moonstone," I answered.
"On our own?! Willa, are you crazy?" Wyatt responded.
"No, not own our own," I replied, pulling out my phone.

Willa: Zed, grab your sister and your friends and meet me in the den. The moonstone was stolen!

Zed: On it. See you guys soon!

Willa: See you soon!

"There," I said.
"And what exactly did you just do?" Wyatt asked me.
"You'll see," I replied.

Ezra's POV

"You awake, pajarito?" my brother, Zed, asked.
"I am now, brother," I groaned. "What's up?"
"I'm not entirely sure, sis. Willa wants us in the forest... Something about the moonstone being stolen," Zed answered.
"I see," I replied. "I'll meet you downstairs in a few. Don't forget to tell Michelle and Ted what we'll be up to."
Zed nodded as he left my room. I stood and almost tripped over my snow leopard changeling spirit animal, Loki.
I regained my balance, then leaned over and gently whispered, "Loki, buddy, it's time to get up." as I softly pet him.
"Do I have to?" he groaned.
"Unfortunately, yes, buddy," I answered. "Go hang out with Zed. I still have to get ready."
I waited until I heard my brother's startled yelp, then I grabbed my clothes and headed into the bathroom.
I quickly got dressed and ready for the day, then I headed downstairs, where I met up with my brother and my spirit animal.
Zed grabbed my arm and pulled me outside. Thankfully, once we were outside, he spotted his girlfriend, Addison, and let go of me.
"Seems someone's a little clingy today, huh?" a familiar voice at my side said.
I turned to see my adoptive sister, Eliza, smirking at me.
I playfully hit her gently.
"Hey! Zombie abuse," she replied with a smile.
I laughed and started to chase Eliza.
"Stop it, you two!" Zed laughed, joining in the chase.
"Those three certainly have a unique bond, don't they?" Einstein mused.
"That they do. They have the bond of family," Emma told Einstein as we started on our way to the Wolf's Den.
When we arrived at the Den, I was surprised to see that it was less populated than it usually was. Most surprising was the fact that Wynter was nowhere to be found.
Willa and Wyatt were waiting for us outside of the Den.
"I see now. Good plan, Willa," Wyatt said.
I looked over at my adoptive sister, who was staring at Wyatt.
"Go get your wolf," I said.
I headed over to Willa's side. Then, we all headed into the Wolf's Den. Immediately, I noticed the trails of blood coming from where the moonstone had been.
"Willa, was anyone guarding the moonstone last night?" I asked.
"Yeah," Willa answered. "Wynter was guarding it along with Drew, Sawyer, Gwen, Andrew, Matthew, Owen, Warren, Wilder, Lewis, Shawn, Jewel, Arrow, Will, Dwayne, and Wednesday."
Just then, two werewolves who were covered in scratches and bite marks entered the Wolf's Den.
"Gwen! Drew! What happened to you guys?" Willa exclaimed.
"We were attacked," Drew explained. "By other werewolves...And they had silver jewelry, Willa."
"Sounds like Silver-Tipped Moon werewolves," Wyatt said.
Willa nodded. "Drew, Gwen, do you guys know where the other werewolves took the moonstone and our packmates?"
"Unfortunately, no," Gwen answered.

**The next morning, at school**

Wyatts's POV

As Willa, Ezra, Eliza, Zed, and I stood by our lockers, I spotted a girl with brilliant white hair and a scar running from her right forehead to her left cheek. I saw something familiar in her. A bit of wolf, perhaps.
I turned to Addison, who was standing by her locker nearby, and asked, "Who's that?"
"Oh, her," Addison replied, looking in the direction I was gesturing. "That's Wren. She's a bit of a mystery."
"Interesting," I mused.
"Yeah. She showed up a few months ago out of nowhere, and she hasn't shown much of an interest in anything except for Music Club and Cheer," Addison said.
"Hmm... that's intriguing," I said in reply.
Just then, the bell rang, signaling that it was time for class.
I grabbed my books and told Addison, "I'll see you later."
I wasn't really looking forward to class. I had history with Willa, and she frequently contested the teacher.

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