Chapter 24

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His voice was faint, but JJ could see very clearly what he was doing.

Talking. Interacting. Socializing. Not just with one person, but three people. Banana Kid, Carrie, and someone whom it took JJ a moment to recognize.

"The man who named this place B1, despite the plea against it. The bastard could sense how I felt about it, and it was shouted right in his ear, yet he only cared about what he wanted. I hate him just as much as I hate the pests that won't leave Mikey the fuck alone!"

The conversation Mikey was having with him seemed to be urgent, and Banana Kid and Carrie hung back and listened to them as they talked. Just then, he abruptly ended their talk by pushing past him and walking off towards the hallway, and in response, Mikey hurried after.

Slowly, their voices became more distinguishable. JJ edged himself further behind the house he was behind in order to not draw attention to himself.

"Blocking that trapdoor isn't the answer!" He heard Mikey protest. "Didn't you hear anything I said? Those people are starving! The men doing all of the killing are dead now, so all that's left are those innocent people! We have to give them shelter, and that's what I came to you about!"

"The same people that acted erratic?" The man answered. "The same people we'd have to waste our precious resources on, when we barely have enough to keep ourselves afloat? Sorry, but not sorry - our base will be confiscated to avoid any of those psychos getting in; that trapdoor is getting permanently sealed."

"They're going to die if we leave them there!" Mikey continued to try and convince him otherwise as they advanced down the hall. Eventually, JJ couldn't hear them anymore, and was left with his own thoughts again.

"So, he came here trying to get those monstrous people from B2 sheltered in our base? The people who ate my son, and Mikey wants mercy for them? First, he left when he shouldn't have, and now this? He's absolutely infuriating - I have to contain him."

After some minutes, they both returned. The guy from earlier went to the platform where he'd originally announced the renaming of the base at, but this time without his megaphone, and got the attention of everyone nearby.

"There are dangerous people in the base beside us," He informed to the slowly growing crowd. "Which is why the entrance connecting us to them has been permanently sealed. Going anywhere near it is absolutely prohibited, and doing such will result in arrest. Understood?"

"Isn't that a bit much?" A random guy asked.

"We're dealing with some serious psychopaths here." The man continued to explain. "Cannibals, I should say - they eat children! It's dangerous to risk even going near the trapdoor that could let them in. They're monsters that should stay where they are and starve!"

That certainly riled the crowd up. At this, Mikey decided enough was enough and went up on the platform to tell him off.

"You clearly didn't register a single word I said!" He snapped. "How could you hear about people that are desprate and starving, and your response is to trap them even further, and then spread rumors about them being cannibals and child killers! You're disgusting! Why don't you do your job and actually help the community in times of need?"

"I am helping the community," He responded. "By protecting them from monsters like that. It's no suprise you can't figure that out, considering you're completely dead-brained! Step back and let the professional handle this, and watch your tone while you're at it - I'm in charge here, and you're going to have to learn to respect me."

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