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*Adrian's POV*

I walk into Mrs. Leonard's English class and make a beeline to my seat.

I am exhausted. If there was a word for that represented being more exhausted than the word itself, then I'm that.

I sit down and lay my head on the table. I hear Taylor's voice in the distance talking to her group of friends.

I keep my head down and try to go to sleep when I feel something hit the back of my head.

I turn around and of course it's Lucas.

"Dude, I'm trying to sleep, can you stop?" I say with anger clear in my voice.

"Yes of course, your majesty," he says and gets up to bow down to me.

I scoff and lay my head back down. After like 2 seconds, I feel something else hit the back of my head.

I turn around and look Lucas dead in the eye, "Can you please stop?"

"Hmm. Why don't you make me?" He says with a stupid grin.

I silently get up and walk towards him. I have absolutely no patience this morning.

"I'm going to just ask one more time for you to stop. Can you stop?"

"Or what?" He asks with a cocky smirk.

I don't say anything I just pull back my fist and hit him square in his face.

"Bitch you made it bleed," He says while holding his nose.

After wiping the blood off his nose, he gives me a death stare.

Before I could even react, his fist connects to my jaw making me fall back slightly.

We end up knocking over the table and papers go flying.

"Guys knock it off," I hear Mrs. Leonard say as she gets closer to us.

Neither one of are giving in and I hear Elijah come into the classroom.

"Adrian stop it right now," He says in his strict voice as he pulls me off of Lucas.

Lucas stands up and walks out the door, making sure to bump my shoulder on the way out.

"What in the hell were you thinking? You could get kicked off the team, Adrian," Elijah says while holding my shoulders and looking at me directly in my eyes.

"He wouldn't stop messing with me, I was just trying to sleep man," I say in response.

"Yeah well now you got yourself a one way ticket to Principal Blake's office," Elijah says with a scoff, "Now go."

I walk to the principals office and see Taylor look at me with worried eyes.

I sit down in the seat next to Lucas and we're both right in front of the Principal Blake.

The principal is not tiny. He stands tall and proud. He has a clean cut with a slight stubble. He has light streaks of grey hair in his black.

"Miss Gomez and Mister Romano," He begins, "What happened?"

We both begin talking and he holds up his hand. We both instantly shut up.

"One at a time, you first Gomez," He says.

"Well I was just trying to lay my head down and this dickhead kept throwing shit at me. I told him to stop and he wouldn't, so I made him stop," I say with blank expression.

"I see. Now you Mister Romano," He says while gesturing his hand towards Lucas.

"I mean- I- She," Lucas can't even get a word out and Principal Blake interrupts.

"Judging by your stuttering, I assume Gomez is telling the truth?" He says with a raised eyebrow.

Lucas silently nods his head and looks at the floor in shame.

"I won't punish either of you because honestly, you guys are both pillars of our sports programs here," Principal Blake begins, "As long as you shake hands and say a sincere apology."

I roll my eyes and stand up. Lucas does the same and reaches out his hand first.

"I'm sorry for annoying you, it won't happen again," He says with fake sincerity.

I take his hand and mirror the same apology.

Principal Blake releases us into the hall and Lucas grabs my arm and says in a low voice only I can hear, "This isn't over Gomez."

I just smirk and walk away to my scheduled class.

The day ends rather quickly and I make my way home.

My father greets me at the door.

"I heard about what happened at school," He says while looking at me directly in my eyes.

"Yeah I'm sorry Dad. I was already frustrated and he just made it worse. I'm sorry I let my anger get the best of me," I say with guilt written all over me.

"Oh come on it's okay. I heard you put quite a beat down on Romano," He says with a chuckle.

"I suppose I did huh?" I say with a laugh.

"Try this, I'm trying to perfect it," He says while holding a spoon with some type of sauce on it.

I put the spoon in my mouth and the flavors are immaculate.

"Dad this is really good," I say but I'm interrupted by the doorbell.

"I'll get that," I say to my dad as he returns cooking.

I open up the door and Tago comes rushing to the door. I look up and see it's Taylor.

"Hey, are you okay? I heard about what happened," She asks worriedly.

"Am I okay? You should ask Lucas, his poor ego," I say with a laugh.

"You can never be serious can you Gomez?" She says with a gentle laugh.

"No I guess not," I say back.

My dad walks up to the door, surprising me.

"Well hey, Taylor right? Grady's daughter?" He says while looking at Taylor.

Taylor nods her head.

"Ahh I know your father. A good man, we went to high school together. He actually helped me and my wife get together," My dad says.

"Oh really Mr Gomez? That's really neat. I don't believe he's ever mentioned you to me," Taylor says.

"That's no surprise. We haven't talked as much since he became a lawyer and my career took off, but you should stay for dinner," My dad says opening the door wider for Taylor.

Taylor looks at me then says, "Okay I will."

She walks inside and I lead her to the living room to sit down.

"You are going to fall in love with my dad's cooking, it's the best," I say while plopping down beside her.

"I can't wait to try it," She says while petting Tago.

"You should really put some ice on your hands by the way," She says after a few seconds of silence.

I look down at my now bruised knuckles and sigh.

"Maybe I should," I respond.

I move to get up but Taylor grabs my hand.

"Not right now, I want to be by your side," She says and pulls me back down.

"Well yes ma'am then. I suppose my bruised knuckles can wait," I respond earning a light punch in the shoulder.

We decide to turn on a movie to pass time until Dad finishes cooking.

Taylor chose the movie and it was pretty good. She chose Top Gun. The 1986 one.

We watch the movie with Tago curled up on Taylor's lap. That traitor.

"Hey lovebirds the food is ready," My dad says.

Taylor blushes and gets up. I follow her to the table and we all eat a nice dinner together.

I could get used to this.

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