First part we feel i. Love

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"Omg" I sayd to my friend orani. "Look at that hot guy over der, he's so hot I wanna be his gf right now omg".
Omg, sayd orani. "Hes should totally come over here but we gotta go home my mothe is gonna kill me if I come hom later than 20,00 pls we gotta go you're not hot enough for him anyway let's go"
Her words hurt my soul but I looked at the beutiful stranger again and then I went home and orani went home and I feel asleep and then I woke up. I woke up to my mother waking me up bc its was time to wake up and she had made pancakes for breakfast but I don't like pancakes so I ate them all and went to my room and cried. "Why did mom make pancakes this is so sad" :(z.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2015 ⏰

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