Being a Girl

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"A girl should be two things: who and what she wants."

― Coco Chanel, 

"This is for girls who tend to stay up at night listening to music that reminds them of their current situation. Who hide their fears, hurt, pain and tears under the smiles, laughs and giggles daily. The girls who wear their hearts on their sleeves. The girls who pray that things will work out just once and they'll be satisfied. The girls scream and cry to their pillows because everyone else fails to listen. The girls have so many secrets but won't tell a soul. The girls who have mistakes and regrets as a daily moral. The girls that never win. The girls stay up all night thinking about that one boy and hoping that he'll notice her one day. The girls who take life as it comes, to the girls who are hoping that it'll get better somewhere down the road. For the girls who love with all their heart although it always gets broken. To girls who think it's over. To real girls, to all girls: You're beautiful."

― Zayn Malik

"Be that strong girl that everyone knew would make it through the worst, be that fearless girl, the one who would dare to do anything, be that independent girl who didn't need a man; be that girl who never backed down."

― Taylor Swift

"I am a strong woman.
I am proud to be a woman and I celebrate the qualities that I have as a woman.
I am not defined by other people's opinions of who I should be or what I should do as a woman. I determine that not anyone else.
I am not passed up for a position, title, or promotion because I am a woman.
I fully deserve all the good things that come my way.
Irrespective of what anyone might think, being a woman places no boundaries or limits on my abilities.
I can do anything I set my mind to.
I celebrate my womanhood and I am beautiful both inside and out."

― idowu Moynihan, 

"Try patting them on the back or shoulder and telling them everything is going to be fine. Lots of times when girls cry, they don't want you to fix the problem, they just want to be consoled."

― Kiera Cass, 

"Young girls are told you have to be the delicate princess. Hermione taught them that you can be the warrior." (HARRY POTTER)

― Emma Watson

"All a woman wants is to feel special."

― Matt Dunn, 

"We girls, we're tough, darling. Soft on the outside but, deep down, we're tough."

― Kristen Ashley, 

"Don't let the people of the world tell you who to be, do not let them tell you to be skinny wear make-up or wear a pink dress because you are your type of girl"

― Bellanawa

Dear incredible women of the world, I want to remind you that you are all beautiful, strong, and capable of achieving your dreams. Keep shining your light and inspiring others around you. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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