chapter six - witches and black cats

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"We're home!" The redheaded woman, that I assumed to be Winifred Sanderson, declared, clearly happy. "Oh, sweet revenge! You see, sisters? My curse worked perfectly."

Max and I exchanged a glance while watching the sisters in disbelief, and we were so scared that for a second I forgot that I was supposed to be mad at him.

"That's because thou art perfect, Winnie." Mary Sanderson complimented her sister. The three women laughed maniacally, walking towards the cauldron.

"I knew I left this cauldron on. Didn't I tell you? Oh, I knew it!"

"My lucky rat tail! Just where I left it!" Sarah Sanderson yelled.

I was looking around, trying to see where Allison and Dani were hidden and of they were okay. They probably were, but that didn't made me less preoccupied.

"But who lit the Black Flame Candle?" Winifred asked, but imediatly dropped the subject, noticing her spell book. "Wake up. Wake up, sleepyhead. Oh, I've missed you."

I had to keep myself from screaming when the book opened it's eye. Yep, you heard me. The book was alive and had an eye. Could this night get any weirder?

"Come on, now, we've got work to do."

Max touched my shoulder. "We need to get out of here." He whispered in my ear.

"No shit, Sherlock!" I whispered back, pissed of.

"Winnie." We were interrupted by one of the witches talking. "I smell children."

I froze at her words. How did she knew we were there?

Lizzie, they're witches you dumbass! Stop thinking about that and find a way to get everyone out of here!

"Sic'em!" Winifred said, and her and the witches started to wander around the floor.

"It's a little girl." Mary announced, sniffing the air. "Seven, maybe eight and a half."

"Let's play with her!" Sarah suggested, excited.

The blonde witch started singing a song while the trio walked towards the counter. "Come, little children
I'll take thee away in..."

She was interrupted by Winifred, who covered her mouth with her hand. Max wanted to get up, but I grabbed him by the shoulder, telling him to wait.

"Come out, my dear. We will not harm thee." Winifred said, but she was definitely lying.

"We love children!" Mary slammed her hand on the counter where I could see Dani was hidden.

Dani popped out from under the counter, staring at the witches while trying to appear calm, but we could tell that she was terrified. Who can blame her?

"I thought thou'd never come, sisters." Dani said, trying to imitate their way of speaking.

"Greetings, little one." Winifred smiled at her in a creepy way. I don't like to be the kind of person who judges the others based on their looks, but those crooked teeth made the smile more horrifying.

"Twas I who brought you back." Dani lied.

"Imagine." Winifred said. "Such a pretty little child."

Mary circled the counter to get closer to Dani. "She's so well fed, isn't she? Plump, plump!" She started to tickle Dani, who was screaming, terrified.

Winifred linked her arm with Dani's, making it harder for her to escape. "Tell me, dumpling, what is the year?"


The redheaded witch gasped. "Sisters! We have been gone 300 years."

Dani sat on a chair, surrounded by the trio of witches.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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