The meeting

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The princess of the darkness got lost in a forest which is the (forbbiden forest), it was once was the kingdom of fairy but then a tragic accident happened, the dragons from the mountains, came down to forest and attack the fairies, because the dragon was very greedy of the power the fairies and so the dragon attack them all and took the fairy's power, leaving the kingdom of fairy's wiped and gone. Replacing it with the lushful greens of trees and grass.

While the princess roams the forest she has found a fox traveler seemingly lost too, the fox notices her arrival and stared at her in confusion.

"You seem lost." the fox stated,

"Indeed i am, so are you too" the princess replied.

"my, it seems like it. but i was lost with a purpose and i can tell you don't" the fox added

"what brings you here? i may say, a princess don't just get lost in here without a reason" the fox then tilt its head.

"oh me... I'm just curious about this forbidden forest history.. " the princess answered.

"oh, you do know its very dangerous out here. you mught even get hurt, and you know what they always say ,curiousity killed the cat. "the fox responded as he walk over a stone and sat on top of it.

" oum, my apologies..i must say my curiosity brings me here" the princess wanders the forest by her eyes.

"hmm, you shouldn't trust your curiosity much, cause it may lead you into your death. "the fox then stand up and walk towards a bush.

"Can you at least tell me how get out of her?-" the princess asked but cutted of by the fox,

"oh dear, there are no getting out. theres only one way. its a forbidden forest after all. Everyone knew that you can never go back" the fox replied as he continue to stroud off.

"hmm, rude... " the princess mumble.

"i wasn't being rude, dear. its just a fact. "the fox responded without looking at her and continue to walk aimlessly.

" don't 'dear'me" the princess used her black chained to prison the fox so it won't get away,

"just-.... can i go with you..?" the princess said softly as like she was scared that the fox would leave her.

" bold of you to ask dear princess,after you just chained me, How rude. " the fox melt the black chain with a faint light as the the fox land softly.

"i might be rude but not that rude..?" She walked towards the fox curiously,

"who are you exactly? " the princess questioned.

"im a traveler. i roam across the world for resources. how about you, dear princess. whats  your name? "*the fox responded with a question after.

" oh I'm Belladith, the princess of darkness wich i hated my life for it.. " Belladith mumble,

"well Belladith, a very depressing kind are ya? what even makes your life that you hated it for? "*the fox questioned her.

" you know... darkness... everyone's enemy.. "Belladith replied with a dissapoint on her face,

" hahaha, how hilarious of you to think that. the kingdom of darkness has been a helper through out the years. darkness aren't everyone's enemy, some are an alley. you may think its a bad life, but the history of your kingdom has been known through the world. "*the fox chuckled as the fox tail sways with amusement towards the princess.

" eh!? really!? i didn't know that at all! i mean my 'step mom' is such bad queen to rule the kingdom and that's why I'm roaming this forest to fine the fairy so I'll know about the history of the darkness kingdom... i want to replace my 'stepmom' because of his meaningful relationship towards the people " the princess exclaimed confidentially,

"oh, queen myra has really change so much. its too bad, she was a kind princess in the past. i don't know what happened to her but after her dissaperance, she changed. "*the fox was sadden.

" p-past..? what do you mean..? she's alway been so rude! i-... that's why I'm here... "the princess was surprised but turned into sadness and more curiousity.

" it seems you don't read much of history books aren't ya, princess? " the fox spoke with amusement.

"Uh-uhm.. I-im not really fond of histories....." belladith mumbled as she has been skipping history class more or so often.

The fox chuckled at the princess shutters of words.

"Well you have lot to learn, dear princess. History is a huge story to tell. " the fox beamed at her as they stroll deeper into the forest.

"Oh-oh, okay! " the princess replied with a smile plastered wide on her face.

The princess don't know what was ahead of them, but the fox was confident on its strides so she trusted the fox and follows, wanting to hear about her kingdom's history through the lull voice of the fox.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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