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You will always be criticised, teased, and bullied for things that make you different, but usually, those things will set you apart. The things that set you apart from the pack that you once thought were your weaknesses will someday become your strengths."   

–Taylor Swift

"One's dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered."  

― Michael J. Fox

"If they don't like you for being yourself, be yourself even more"

― Taylor Swift

"We're not words, Henry, we're people.
Words are how others define us, but we can define ourselves any way we choose."

― Shaun David Hutchinson, 

"But sometimes, people kick you to the ground at recess because they think the shape of your eyes is funny. They lunge at you because they see a vulnerable body. Or a different skin colour. Or a different name. Or a girl. They think that you won't hit back - that you'll just lower your eyes and hide. And sometimes, to protect yourself, to make it go away, you do. But sometimes, you find yourself standing in exactly the right position, wielding exactly the right weapon to hit back."( -I hope that doesn't mean murder...)

― Marie Lu, 

"Be yourself. Don't worry about what other people are thinking of you, because they're probably feeling the same kind of scared, horrible feelings that everyone does."

― Phil Lester

"...here's what I've learned - people will hurt you, but you don't have to respond - not every mean comment or cruel act deserves to be noticed ..."

― John Geddes, 

"Everyone I say stop bullying it is sad and tears someone's heart apart and the next thing they do is Suicide because they think that is the right next step!
If you are a person who gets bullied find someone who will stop this! Don't just kill yourself for the other person to be happy because you are gone! They are just jealous of you and want to start problems and make you a troublemaker! Ignore those mean cruel evil people in your life and spend time with the nice caring sweet loving angels of yours! :D
Because bullying is a dumb and stupid waste of time!
Try to shake it off the mean hurtful stuff and keep on doing the right stuff that is going to help you become a better person and when I say a better person I mean more than a better person!"

 Skye Daphne

"If you react to a bully it's letting them know that they've won, don't let them win."

― Bellanawa

To all those who are being bullied or going through any sort of abuse, know that you are stronger than you think and that you are not alone. You are capable of overcoming any obstacle, and with time, you will emerge stronger and more resilient. Always remember that you are loved, valued, and appreciated and that your life has meaning and purpose. Keep your head up high and never give up on yourself, for you have the power to make a positive impact on this world.

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