Chapter 6

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It's Saturday! I leap out of bed, throw on the grey slacks and prance outside to see-rain.I let out a frustrated groan that somersaults into a happy one when I see Frankie darting toward me. He reaches out his arms and picks me up into a baby cradle, swinging me around. My laughter echoes as he grins furiously. He sets me down and plants a kiss on my forehead, "Let's go have fun!""But it's raining" I protest. He sweeps his sodden hair off his face. "Exactly!" He bundles me up and jumps around before dumping me into a huge puddle. I let out a shriek as my clothes go from wet to soaking. "You rotten bastard!" I giggle and launch myself into him, bowling him over. We lie in a tangled historical laughter of a mess in the grey swarming water before rough hands tear me off him. "OI! No physical touching!" The guard points at a random girl, "You there, take this girl to the showers and get her a towel!" The girl curses under her breath before sauntering up. Up close my gut drops. It's the girl who was in the cabin with me earlier. "Of course sir! And...the boy?" The guard turns his scarred face to Frankie who now has a serious and furious look on his face. "let him soak! He deserves it for touching this lovely captivating maiden" The guard pushes his face into mine and one of his hands slide up my shirt. Frankie lets out a low growl of horror. The guard stops just underneath my breast and withdraws. "Off you go girl!" He shoves me toward cabin girl and together we trudge off."I warned you"I gulp and turn around fearfully, "What do you mean?" I ask innocently. Sweetly. Fearfully."I warned you not to get in my way and you did. It's time for you to pay." I back up against the wall as she darts toward me before closing a hand around my throat, pinning me to the wall. I let out a small squeak of fear and pain as my pulse quickens. Using her free hand she reaches into her pocket and pulls out a....knife. It is long and flat with a menacing hooked end. I shudder and squeeze my eyes tight. Using the tip of the blade she traces my face from my eyebrow down to my chin. "I-I-I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to!" I screech. She smirks, "Why do you need to be so involved with him?" She hisses. I wince, "B-because I love him." My heart stutters. I just said I loved him. And I realise now. I do love him. Have I always loved him?I think I have.No, I know I have.I love him.Her glare turns the warm ray of sun inside me to ice, "Well we will have to do something about that then won't we?"She sashays out before chucking me a towel. "Dry yourself off. You're in for some heartbreak, sweetie"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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