|Chapter 41|

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Chapter 41: "Clashing Realities"

October 1st, 1988
Epic Records
Los Angeles California

During the meeting, I absentmindedly twirled my pen as we delved into the album and tour sales figures. Despite the importance of the discussion, my mind was consumed by anger, fueled by the man sitting across from me who seemed determined to sabotage my relationship. "I propose doubling the size of the stage for the next tour," he said, oblivious to the turmoil brewing within me.

"I want more than just my music career; if I keep going at this pace, my acting ambitions will always be on the back burner," I said, shrugging nonchalantly. I believed my music career would sustain, but I was eager to expand my horizons. "It's his wife influencing him to think that way," Terrell interjected, his voice carrying across the room.

Murmurs echoed among the executives, and the interns and assistants in the room fixed their gaze on me, anticipating my response. "I don't think that's it at all" Bill started "No that's exactly what it is Bill, you look at Mike as your son, so of course you're going to agree with him, I see that woman for who she is " Terell insisted.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart as I sensed the conversation taking a perilous turn. "And what exactly do you mean by that?" I asked, everyone's gaze shifting between Terrell and me. He leaned back, a smirk spreading across his face, and said, "A leech, a liar, maybe even a groupie or an escort. No, I have a better term—a prostitute." My jaw tensed as the words tumbled out with scorn. " Her father said it best didn't he? She's been targeting you since the first moment she saw you, and you—you just fell for it completely. You've been so focused on her that you've neglected your talents and that's exactly what she wants...." I cut him off

I stood up, the bass in my voice resonating through the room, commanding attention. "Enough!" All eyes turned to me. "You've disrespected my wife for far too long. Just say what you feel. You're upset seeing me with a Black woman."

He chuckled dismissively, cutting me off. "Racism? Is that what you think this is? Is that what she's telling you?"

"She doesn't need to tell me. I see what's happening. This industry is rife with racism, and you're no exception. This is my final tour and my last year at Epic," I declared, gathering my belongings and exiting the meeting.

As I strode down the hallway, I heard Frank and Bill calling after me. "Mike, are you sure about this? Epic played a role in getting you here," Frank argued.

"No, Frank. I played a role in making Epic what it is," I retorted. "What if he sues for breaking the contract and you know he will,"  he said. I chuckled "And if they try to sue me for breaking the contract, I'll counter-sue them for discrimination. I'll be just fine." With that, I turned and walked out of the doors of Epic, determined to stand up for my wife.

As I cranked on the engine, the familiar rumble of the car seemed to echo my determination. The drive to my next destination was a blur of thoughts and emotions, each mile marker passing like a testament to the decision I had just made. The weight of what I had spoken in that meeting settled heavily on my shoulders, but beneath it all, there was a sense of liberation.

I knew that leaving Epic Records wasn't just a professional decision; it was a statement of solidarity with my wife, a refusal to tolerate the disrespect she faced. Darnell constant interference in our relationship had become more than a nuisance; it was a threat to our happiness and peace.

My mind replayed the confrontation with Terrell, his accusations like barbs that had struck a nerve, which confirmed my suspicion of him having some form of contact with her father. I rolled my eyes, at the thought of him. Since our wedding day, Darnell has made it his business to speak on our relationship publicly.

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