Chapter 5

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September 3rd, 1973

I felt a light touch on my shoulder, a cold finger brushing my skin in the middle of the school hallway. I had been walking back after "being in the bathroom" when really I was roaming the halls. I turn around and see Sarah, smiling up at me.

"Hey," she says with her bright smile. I still can't believe how nice her teeth are.
"Oh, hey." I murmur, still a little surprised by her appearance.
"You busy later?" She asks.
"No, I don't think so."
"Ok, if you're sure, meet me outside after school." She says, more as an offer than a question.
But before I can respond, she brushes against my arm and walks past, hurrying into her class. I stand there, a little shaken, trying to process what happened. I tell Maurice about it when I get back to class.

"I'm not so sure what she means." Maurice shrugs. "Probably just wants to ask you for something."
"No, I doubt that. I ain't got nothing she would want."
"You." He murmurs. "You, probably."
I pause, "me?"
"She wants to take you out, Daryl."
"Me? Me. Take me out?" I say, very unsure. I didn't think she was interested in me like that. She never seemed like that in my eyes, nor did Maury notice anything. "Seriously?"
"It'll be good for you." He mumbles, leaning back.

I sigh and lean back as well at my desk. It's 7th period and I have one class after this until school ends. What is she going to say? What are we going to do? Are we going somewhere? Maybe I should just be a gentleman and take her out. Why am I nervous? I'm anxious. I don't want to take her out, but I'd rather not hurt her feelings.
Maurice stares at me, his eyes knowing. He nudges me with his foot. "You'll be fine."
I don't respond.
"You don't wanna?" He asks quietly.
I shake my head no. I don't want to, but I can't admit that.
"Okay." He says, sighing as he thinks, "so tell her that."
"I can't, it will break her poor heart."
"She won't have a heart left if you get with her and she finds out you weren't interested the whole time." Maury says firm. "Just tell her how you feel."

I don't say anything anymore. I let my brain spin until it can't. It only starts calming down by the end of the class period. I look at my hands, realizing I picked at my fingers so much that my nails are bleeding, and my knuckles are red from being pinched. Before the tardy bell, I go to a water fountain and rinse my hands.

I hear the last bell ring and burst out the double doors, feeling the fresh breeze. The air is nice. It's getting cooler, I can feel it. I only make it to the gate before my hand is grabbed.
"Daryl, you coming?" I hear her voice call out to me.
"Uh, yeah." I murmur. I don't like her touching me.

She lets go of my hand and walks beside me, leading me. "Sorry I didn't have enough time to tell you why I wanted to talk to you." She says softly.
"It's... alright."
"But it's nothing very serious, I guess."
"Okay." I don't know how to respond to what she says.
"I don't exactly have girl friends to talk to this about. But I think you'll do." She smiles.
"Yeah, I'll try." I give her a small smile.

She leads me down the sidewalk to a diner I'm very familiar with. We went there once together, though it was with Maurice. She really needed that day, so maybe she needs this too.
I hold the door open for her and recognize a lot of these faces. School is out and everyone has free time to do whatever. People have jobs, friends, lovers to be with.
We take a seat at a booth and get our drinks.

"I wanted to talk with you about something that has been on my mind a bit." She murmurs, looking nervous.
"Okay, what's the matter?" I ask, trying to sound as comforting as I can manage.
"Jake has been talking with me, and he asked me out... but Brandy also... asked me out." She mutters.
I sit in silence thinking about what she is saying. I feel a little better knowing this isn't a date between us now. "What did you say?" I ask.
"I said I don't know to the both of them."
"Well do you want either of them?"
"I don't know yet..."
"Sarah, you either do or you don't. There is no 'I don't know' to these boys." I say firm.
"I know that... I just..." she glances to the side of her and spots someone. "Oh my god." She whispers, hiding her face.
"What?" I say, looking around.
"He's here." She whispers, "Brandy."

My eyes widen at her, "By god, he works here Sarah, you didn't know that?"
"He never told me!" She says as loud as she can yell in a whisper.
"Fine, we can leave, I'll pay for our drinks." I sigh, grabbing out my wallet. I don't have much, so I just put about the amount. We get up and leave without trying to be seen. On the walk back, we continue talking.

"I just know something bad is going to happen, Daryl."
"Don't think like that." I try comforting her.
"They're best friends, I couldn't do that to them."
"Then just say you ain't interested in either of them."
"But I am! I want to be with Jake." She says, a little heartbroken.
"Then be with him. To hell with how Brandy feels."
"You make it sound so easy." She sighs, holding my arm. I don't mind this time.
"I guess it is easy for me to say, isn't it."
She pauses, "You really think nothing will happen?"
"No, but if anything does, I'll be there. Okay?"
"Thank you, Dare." She smiles softly.
I smile back, "Alright, just because I'm being nice doesn't mean you get to call me that stupid name."
"Okay." She sighs, snickering.

I take her home first, standing outside for a bit longer than I should have in case anything went wrong. Once I make it back, I call Maurice and tell him everything.
"I'll be damned." He says, laughing.

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