Seventeen: Return to the Surface

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I wasn't really sure what to do with myself.

It was odd, to be back in school after I'd spent two days underwater. The guys definitely noticed that something was different, and I'd avoided their curious stares and questioning glances by pretending that I had mountains of homework, but really I was struggling with the itch underneath my skin. On more than one occasion I had to clench my palms in order to hide the hooked talons that sprouted from my fingertips at inconvenient times. I grit my jaw as I sat in my last class of the day, watching the clock tick, knowing I had swim practice afterwards but my body needed the sea more. Carina also explained to me that I would have to be cautious to not show that I didn't need to breathe underwater, as well as, chlorinated water might burn my eyes. It can't hurt me, but it wouldn't be pleasant. I was honestly worried about my gills making an impromptu visit more than anything else.

That would not go over well.

When the bell finally rang, I was up and out of my seat like a rocket.

In retrospect, I should've known that I would run smack into a wall of muscle as soon as I stepped out of class, with the way they've damn near shadowed my every move all day. I leapt back so fast my books tumbled to the floor, and I had to bite back a growl as I bent down to pick them up. Jace knelt down to help me, his full mouth thinning into a tight line as he regarded my twitchy, irritated behavior. I ignored my flaming cheeks and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, avoiding his gaze as I accepted the book he held out to me.

"Thanks." I said, glancing into his brown eyes.

Crossing his arms, he rose a dark brow. "Where the hell have you been, Kels?"

"I took some time off to sort a personal issue. I'm fine, I promise, but I can't really explain more right now." I fought the urge to squirm as his dark eyes raked over me in apparent concern.

"Alright." He conceded. "But I'm stealing you away tonight. It's been a few days since we've had a bonfire, and I think we are due for a beach sesh."

Some of the tension drained from my shoulders and I was able to give him an easy smile in response. He offered to walk me out and I was grateful for it. We pushed past the students running towards the exit and my smile widened as the rest of our group came into view. Rhea was mid-slug to Ryan's arm when we caught up to them, and I almost winced when she turned towards me, only a little afraid that she'd turn that wrath to me for the weird way I'd been acting lately. I knew I owed them an apology, I just wasn't sure what to say.

Jace's presence was comforting beside me, and I took a big breath. "I'm sorry for how shitty I've been lately. I am really grateful to have you guys, and I promise I will work harder to show it."

I was a little unprepared but didn't mind when Rhea tackled me in a hug, my arms instinctively wrapping around her slight frame. I squeezed out a breath in surprise when her grip tightened around my middle.

"Damn," I muttered with a wheeze of a laugh. "Ease up Edward Scissorhands."

"Sorry." She grinned sheepishly, stepping away. "I've just missed you. We all have. Are you coming to the bonfire tonight?" She looked at me pleadingly, full on puppy dog eyes, and I have to bite my lip to hide my laughter.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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