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I didn't feel ready at all as I brushed my hair. I didn't want to go but I knew I had to. Ben wanted me to, so I knew I had to.

"L-Leah, can you h-help me, please?" I said when I saw her passing from in front of my room.

"Oh, sure," she walked backwards and into my room. She came towards me and took the brush from me.

We stayed there in silence with an occasional wince from me and just were lost in our own thoughts.

"There, all done," she said before patting my head and exiting the room. She usually acted older than she was but sometimes acted even younger than a ten year old.

I looked at myself in the mirror and was quite impressed with Leah. She was good at this.

I grabbed my phone which I had bought with almost my own money. Means, aunt Karen paid half of the price.

I wouldn't have bought it yet, I would've waited for until I had saved up enough money but all three of them insisted that I should get it now.

Anyway, we were all on our way to meet Ben's mate; Madelyn Edwin, on a hot Sunday morning.

Ben, who didn't want to watch a movie with us because he had an 'assignment' to do, was more excited than us.

I focused on the birds chirping outside to bring my breathing back to normal. Once I had done that, I left the room in my most casual clothing which I had bought with my own money.

Actually, most of the clothing that I owned was bought by myself, with my own money. This thought always made me giddy. My own money. Hehe.

"Let's go!" Ben said with his hands in the air and he made his way to the front door.

Me and Leah looked at each other and rolled our eyes at the same time. We followed after Ben and saw Ben unlocking the car.

"Here, Leah," he gave the keys to Leah who got into the driver's seat while Ben sat in the backseat so I got into the passenger's side.

My heart thumped against my chest as Leah backed up the car and onto the dirt road.

The town was a walking distance from the house but Leah didn't want to walk today so we are taking the car.

The first time I went to town in the car, I was curious as to how a car could enter into the town anyway but, I got it.

There was a special road made just for cars and it took us straight to a diner located on the outskirts of the town.

You couldn't really drive inside with a car, it just took you as close to the inner side of town as possible with a car.

I slid down my window and admired the beauty of the woods as the wind whipped past me.

"So, Ben, tell us more about Madelyn," Leah said as she glanced back at him and all the emotions were sucked out of me, leaving only pain behind.

I looked into the rearview mirror to see his cheeks turning pink and I felt slightly better. He was happy and that's what mattered.

'Keep telling yourself that,' Liz said at the worst possible moment and I felt worse, the hole in my chest increasing.

"She has blond hair and, and these beautiful light blue eyes. She likes strawberry smoothie and also loves vanilla cake. And, and she smells like, like, um, rose," he stopped to gather his thoughts.

Leah looked at me and I looked at her, forcing the sides of my lips to tilt. She grinned at me and we continued to listen to Ben rant.

I let out an in audible sigh and continued to listen. I wanted to be a good cousin.

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