Irrational Fears

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Unfortunately, depression and anxiety are closely, linked with the worsening of the symptoms of depression or the triggering of anxiety and vice versa.

During depressive phases, many people suffer from anxiety about the future, panic attack, fear of failure and rejection. Even fears of everyday activities such as the fear of going shopping or taking the subway can arise. Often these are not independent anxiety disorders, but rather a consequence of depression.

Depression and phobias are similar in that they are adverse mental health conditions. Unfortunately, depression and anxiety disorders such as phobias often go hand in hand. People who are already susceptible to depression can experience a depressive episode after developing a phobia and experiencing a panic attack. Sometimes the symptoms of depression can be worsened by phobias. For example social isolation is typical in case of depression. If a person also experiences panic attacks, it may cause them to further isolate themselves in order to avoid triggering or worsening anxiety symptoms.

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