We Are The Same

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Once they had reached the hotel, Alastor informed Charlie and Vaggie of the situation as he took the unconscious-Moxxie from Husk's arms. The Princess was of course horrified by what had befallen Moxxie by his own wife, on his Anniversary of all days as she could not help but relate to the pain of being taken advantage of so often. Vaggie nodded understandingly when Alastor then insisted that Blitz, Loona and Millie not be allowed back into the hotel under any circumstances as she gripped her spear tightly. Alastor then insisted that Moxxie stay in his room with him until he felt better which nobody dared to argue with or even question. It took Alastor a while to fall asleep, himself since the way that the imp had been trembling within his warm, strong arms had been deeply concerning to him.

In the meantime, Moxxie began to have yet-another nightmare. The sky was pitch-black as he rested upon his knees upon the cold, metallic bridge that his own wife had attempted to murder him on. Like a majority of his nightmares, he was naked, although this time, his thin frame was lined with various scars and bruises.

"I'm so tired of being here...Suppressed by all of my childish fears..." Moxxie softly began to sing as tears began to sting the sore, swollen brims of his eyes as a response to the dull, empty ache he began to feel within the pit of his chest.

"And if you have to leave, I wish that you would just leave...Your presence still lingers here and it won't leave me alone..." Moxxie could feel Millie's presence standing behind him. He wrapped his arms around himself as every muscle in his body began to tense up. Even though she had abandoned him, the pain of her betrayal still lingered behind, taunting him for being foolish enough to have ever trusted her when she was just as bad as that horrid family of hers that she worshiped so dearly.

"These wounds won't seem to heal! This pain is just too real! There's just too much that time cannot erase!" Moxxie sobbed as warm tears began to spill from his eyes. He hated her now, he absolutely despised her for what she had done to him but for reasons he just could not pinpoint, he was still deeply hurt by the way that she had lulled him into the false sense of security that disguised her true trap.

"When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears..." Moxxie pointed out through song even though, he had honestly never seen Millie actually shed any tears. Had she been pretending to cry to play on his heartstrings all along?

"When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears and I held your hand through all of these years but you sti-ill have, all of me..." Moxxie then added even though the actions of defending his wife's honor had only ever gotten him ridiculed, even by her. Sometimes, she would even use Moxxie as a crutch to boost her own popularity by making him look like the bad guy in comparison to her. She would have never done the same for him and it bothered him deeply. However, he would always suck it up and allow her to get away with using him because he loved her. He was convinced that she loved him too in spite of the way she would always treat him.

There were sacrifices to be made in every relationship, he would tell himself. Every couple has their problems, he would tell himself. Nobody is perfect, he would even tell himself. She never physically hurt me, he told himself all the time. Well, that had changed now.

"You use to captivate me by your resonating light but now, I'm bound by the life you left behi-i-ind..." Moxxie continued his lament as he reflected on the strong, almost-magnetic, positive energy that had initially attracted him to his ex-wife. That sweet, innocent girl he had initially fallen in love with had died the moment the Engagement ring had been placed upon her finger. Moxxie felt as if the narcissistic demon that had taken her place had murdered the girl he had truly fallen for in cold blood before his very eyes. Moxxie found himself wondering if things would have been easier for him if Millie had just died for real, leaving him with the facade of once having a loving wife. No, he would have pieced the true her together eventually, regardless.

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