The Magic Xylophone

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helpful note: actions are in italics, and this is written in script format. regular text will be the actual episode, whereas the boldened text is one of the minds of the heeler sisters. it will be specified whose is whose unless it's an episode only about one. then the bold text is just the mind of the featured sister.

also, as with riley, joy is like the leader of both of the minds. obviously all five have importance, but as someone who's seen every episode and knows that joy is their primary emotion it just makes sense (don't worry there's no in-head drama for once because this is purely for fun). also they're technically still their canon designs in my head; don't ask. it's just how it works in my own head and that's what we're going with on this

Bluey, Bandit, and Bingo are playing a game. Bandit is giving a concert to Bingo and the rest of the fake audience.

Bandit: Ladies and gentlemen, I will now play for you the rondo "Alla Turca."

He begins to play Bluey as a piano, who begins to laugh from the tickly feeling.

Bluey's Mind:

Joy: Oh, this is so fun!

The emotions all watch as a new golden memory enters Bluey's Headquarters. Joy then presses a button.

Back in the outside world, Bluey tries to escape her father.

Bandit: Hey, piano!

Bandit: Ladies and gentlemen, I'm terribly sorry! I seem to be having a bit of trouble with my piano.

He keeps playing on Bluey, who keeps giggling.

Bingo's Mind

Sadness: Bluey's been the piano an awful long time.

Joy: Well, I guess it's time for us to have a turn. We can always ask Dad.

Bingo: Dad! I want to be the piano.

Bluey: No! It's still my turn!

Bingo's Mind

Anger: Figures. She never lets us have a turn. And I'm gonna call her on it.

Disgust: I mean, you have a point.

Fear: But is this really the best idea?

Anger then promptly lights Fear on fire before pressing buttons at the console.

Bandit: Taking turns can be difficult.

Bingo: But Dad, she's had this many turns!

She holds her arms out for added effect.

Bingo's Mind

Anger (while chuckling to himself): This'll get them to listen.

Bandit obviously doesn't seem to realize what Bingo's thoughts are.

Bandit (trying to pick up Bingo): You can be the bum bongos!

He begins to play her as drums.

Bingo's Mind

Anger: Are you kidding me?!

Joy: Hey, at least it's fun.

She spins a lever, causing Bingo to laugh.

Bandit: Bum bumda bum, bum bongos!

Bluey begins dancing to the beat as Chili walks in.

Chili: Ooh, island rhythms!

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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