Chapter 5

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The key to writing chapters for me is to listen to sad or psychedelic music. It inspires me to write tragedies or greatness. It also connects me with the book more. Also, Trigger Warning!! ⚠️ this chapter has some Suicidal themes and some trauma about a Mental Hospital! So if you are sensitive to these topics, then I am sorry. Anyways, enjoy. . .

I woke up feeling cold, lonely. I hated mornings. I feel as though it is a burden to wake up everyday because everyday is exactly the same. Nothing changes. It is always the same routine that we go through everyday. Why do we do this? Why do people make themselves a slave to money? We just waste our days making money just so we can spend it to satisfy our tongues and shit it out. Then we also spend it on something that we can make ourselves. Just live in caves or cut down trees. Why do we need permission to do that? Why do we need permission to do anything when we have the power to destroy the earth itself if we wanted to. Hell, I know that will make everything easier. No more stress, no more heartbreaks. No more death. No more betrayal. Just an eternity of peace and silence. It breaks my heart thinking about this. This is what we live for. We are all enslaving ourselves to a never ending cycle. Going in a Downward Spiral. Sometimes, I wonder what it will feel like to just leave this world and be in a dark void. I'd rather be surrounded by darkness than live restless to life's hardships.

Am I suicidal? No. I just hope that I will have a short and happy life. Enjoy my youth and bye bye suckers! No way I am letting people remember me as an old dried up raisin or as someone that can't run up the stairs. I want to be forever young. Living under my parents care, my father by my side. That is another reason why I want to go now. I want to join my father. I want to be with him so he knows that he won't be alone anymore. I don't want to live without him. I can't. I need him now more than ever. I wish I had a sister. A younger sister that can look up to me and talk to me. Someone that I can relate to and talk to as my best friend. I currently don't have anyone close to me. I need a sister more than ever. Her name would be Elena. She would probably look a lot like me and be blessed with curly hair. But oh well, this is my life. Nothing I can do to change it. No possibility of siblings. Just a life of misery.

Laura: "Mija wake up! You have work! Don't be a floja(Lazyass)!"
Rose: "Ay! Ok Mami! I am up!"
I quickly put on a black T-shirt with blue jeans. Then I put on knee high boots and drove to guitar center, my job. I am a musician. I have loved music ever since my dad showed me Gustavo Cerati, Coldplay (early Coldplay), and U2. Also some Caifanes and Charly Garcia. So yeah, music is what I still feel passion for. I've lost my love for everything except music. It is what keeps me alive. I turned on the radio and it played "In My Place" by Coldplay. A perfect song for a beautiful sunny morning.

I parked in my spot of the parking lot and got out my car. It was a guitar in the North side of Chicago. So it was huge and right by Home Depot as well. I love this store. I can play a guitar on the job! Now that I am 18 I can finally be able to work here. I've waited so long for this. Oh, and my coworker is coincidentally Nate! He was cool too! I still like him and I think he likes me too.
Nate: "Hey Rose, you ready for today?"
Rose: "Hell yeah! I was born ready!"
I then plugged in the guitar and played my usual warm up song. "In Limbo" by Radiohead. It has a beautiful guitar riff. Plus it was easy to do for someone who has played the guitar for 8 years! Damn, 8 years already.
Nate was staring at me in awe and he had a blush on his face. Yup, he definitely likes me. No doubt.
Nate: "So, uh. When can we go on that date you suggested? We never got to go since your incident and stuff"
He looked down nervously while scratching the back of his head.
Rose: "Well, we can go tonight! Maybe we can hang out at Café Tola!"
Café Tola is a great restaurant in the North Side of Chicago. Their empanadas and Tacos are authentic and delicious! They also sell Mexican inspired Coffee like Horchata coffee. I recommend if you ever stop by Chicago!
Nate: "Alright! Sounds good! I am up for anything you want. Just, uh, no seafood with Shellfish. I am allergic, heh"
Rose: "Wow, really?? Shrimp and Lobster are the best though! Your life must suck"
Nate: "Well, I mean yeah. My life does suck, but you make it better"
I blushed at him and he blushed as well.
Storm: "Ewww. Get a room you two!"
Rose: "Storm!!!"
Storm was my friend ever since kindergarten. We grew up together. Though we weren't best friends, we still kept in touch once in a while. She loved to tease me though. I was there when she had her phase of being a manly Lesbian. She grew out of that phase but she is still Lesbian. But, nevertheless, I still love her for being such a loyal friend.
And she was like 4 ft 11in tall. So I always make fun of her height hehe.
Nate: "Anyways! Let's open up the shop."
We opened up the guitar center and the customers started entering. It was a loooong day. It doesn't help that I worked full time. Then, I had 30 minutes left! That is until a certain someone walked in the shop. Lucifer. . .
Rose: "Oh, uh, Liam! What are you doing here??"
Lucifer(Liam): "Oh, I was just curious to check out this shop. I see this is where you work"
Rose: "Uh huh, why are you following me again?"
Nate: "Wait, again? Has this guy been stalking you??"
Lucifer(Liam): "Woah woah woah, stalking is a big accusation! I prefer the term, watching over her. Unlike you, I actually protect her from trouble that comes her way. You are not always there for her like I am."
Nate got very pissed.
Nate: "Listen to me asshole. I don't want you going anywhere near Rose anymore! You will leave her alone and stop stalking her!"
I hid behind Nate as he was yelling at Lucifer.
Lucifer(Liam): "Fine, I will leave her for now. But I will not leave her since she doesn't mind my company after all"
Then Lucifer walked out the shop, leaving a very confused and angry Nate.
Nate: "Ok, what the actual fuck was that about?! Has he hurt you before? Did he ever touch you where he shouldn't?? Oh God, I am horrible. I was never there to protect you. I don't deserve you."
Rose: "Hey! Listen to me Nate. You are fine. I am fine. We are both fine. You are not horrible, you just stood up for me right now. I owe you a thanks"
He just smiled and hugged me.
Nate: "I am so sorry Rose"
Rose: "What for?"
Nate: "Oh nothing, just for any future actions I may do that will leave you helpless. I know I can't always be there for you to help you. And I feel bad about that. Please forgive me"
Rose: "Of course I forgive you! How could I not?"
Nate: "Thank you Rose. Now, let's go on our date shall we?"
I nodded and we both stayed by each other while we walked out. We both went to our cars and drove to Café Tola. He offered to drive me but I said that I didn't want to leave my car out of sight. So now we are here, eating Empanadas de Tinga and drinking Cream Soda together. As we walked out he held my hand.
Nate: "Thank you for giving me a chance with you Rose. I am so lucky to have you"
Rose: "Of course Nate. So are we official now?"
Nate: "Yes, we are now babe"
He leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips. I've longed for the feeling of love for so long. I finally have a partner to love. Someone who cares about me. Someone who won't leave me broken and hospitalized. Unfortunately, that is what happened with Sean. He made me suicidal in my Freshman year. I felt self hatred since I thought I wasn't good enough for him. That maybe that is why he doesn't care about me. He always talked to other girls instead of me. They were all his friends, but he always preferred them over me. So I cut myself and had a plan to kill myself. After the school dance, go home, fake sleep. Wait until 2 AM and overdose on Ibuprofen. Wake up in purgatory in an empty void. But, my friend Valeria saw how broken I was and told the teacher. He sent me to the counselor and she sent me to the ER. I was then hospitalized at a mental hospital for a week. Lonely and without my family. I cried every night. Feeling empty and obsessing over Sean even more. It was a nightmare. But, that won't happen ever again. Nate cares about me and won't leave me like that. I am his world and he is my world. I won't feel empty with him. He then led me to my car and opened the driver door for me. I thanked him and we drove off to our homes.
Laura: "Well, what took you so long to get home?"
Rose: "Oh! Sorry! I was on a date."
Laura: "With who?? Was it that Liam boy! I am so happy for you!"
Rose: "No, it was with Nate"
Laura: "Oh. Well I am still happy for you! But you will be careful with him right? Nothing bad will happen with him?"
Rose: "Nope! I am sure of it!"
Laura: "Great! Now go to sleep Mijita"
She kissed my forehead and I went to my room. I closed the door and almost screamed at who I saw.
Rose: "Lucifer! Why are you in my room?!"
Lucifer: "Oh I am sorry, I just wanted to ask you something. What the actual fuck was that all about earlier?! You are acting like I am abusing you or something? I actually saved your life? Unless, I still scare you"
I just looked at him in fear. I went to a corner and shielded myself from him. But he never hit me. He just stared at me with sad eyes.
Lucifer: "I am so sorry if I ever scared you. Please forgive me"
Rose: "Why can't you just leave me alone! Get out of my life!! Please!"
He looked down and sighed.
Lucifer: "Ok, I understand. You just see me as a monster. I am so sorry. I will leave you be"
He then flashed a small smile at me then looked back down. And poof, he was gone. Finally, I am in peace. Now I know he will leave me alone. . .

God's Favorite (Lucifer x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora