My Heart true Meaning

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A name, a sigh, a constant ache, A hollow echo in my wake. 

We danced on breezes, whispers thin, 

A love unspoken, locked within.

Fate's cruel hand, or my own fear, 

Kept honest words a prisoner. Moments slipped, like grains of sand, 

Through fingers hesitant, unplanned.

A thousand times, love's song I sang, 

But never raw, the way it wrangled.

A letter lost, with no address, 

My heart's true meaning, I confess,

Drowned in the silence, vast and deep. 

My voice unused, while words would sleep. 

In gentle touches, glances shy, 

A love story whispered by and by.

Did late replies, a hand to hold, 

The silent vigil, growing cold, 

Convey the ocean in my soul? 

Did you ever see the whole?

The boundless depths of what I felt, 

The lengths I'd swim, the dreams I'd dealt? 

Perhaps the fault, not yours to bear, 

But mine, the love I wouldn't dare

To speak in language clear and bright. 

Now whispers fade in fading light. 

A cosmic nudge, a lesson learned, 

Love lost in silence, forever burned.

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