The Goddess Raised Her Hand for an Interlude

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All children of the sea offer their faith to the encompassing Goddess of the Sea. By the stories passed down through songs and stories, it was through her tears that the world's ocean was created, and by her love, the merpeople had come into existence.

She took a part of her power and bestowed it to the king of her people so they may live in harmony and peace. She bestowed her grace to the children of the chosen king so that they may protect the order the people had built. She took a piece of her heart to mold a pearl and bestowed it as a symbol of her everlasting favor to her children.

They lived as such for many generations, even as the Goddess was heard no longer.

But in this supposed ordinary night, the once long-lasting peace was tainted by red and the cries of her people. Nets stretching wide threatened to steal the freedom that belongs to them, the ancient history witnessed by this kingdom in the depths turning to dust.

It was then that the once slumbering Goddess awoke from her eternal sleep.

With a single wave of her hand, the waves as if it was breathing, topping the offenders into her unforgiving sea. The wind obeys her whim as it tears apart the sails of the ships; there can be no escape from the transgression they committed.

Amongst the chaos was a familiar face; older, angrier. The Goddess wondered where she had seen it before.

There were also familiar, frantic faces under the waves—belonging to her people—their arms reaching out in her direction. There was also recognition, but one that did not belong to her but from the young one whose body she temporarily held.

Her hand raised to touch a beating heart. Frantic and loud, but so full of life. Her eyes then moved to the frantic faces, seeing the fear and desperation in the wideness of their eyes and the lines of their faces. She then closed her own eyes, hearing the words being implored.

Save them, this young one called to her. So be it. However, a price must be paid.

A deal is struck, and so the Goddess raises her hand to cast her judgment.

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