Act Four

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(The following day at school,Alex asked me out to prom)

Alexander - Ifeoluwa will you be my date to prom

Ifeoluwa - I am sorry,no (I left)

Rachel - I will be your date

Alexander - I am fine alone

(At home)

Ricky - hi babe,will you follow me to the airport

Ifeoluwa - yes(feels sad)

(We got into the car of course Shile followed us,in the car)

Ifeoluwa - Alex asked me out to prom.

Ricky - what was your response

Ifeoluwa - I told him no

Ricky - I thought you would say yes

Ifeoluwa - why would I say yes

Ricky - because you have a crush on him,I heard you telling Shile

Shile - (laughs) are you jealous ni

Ricky - no she is free to date any guy she wants since I am leaving and I will be back in a year,we are oner ife(he got down and never looked back till he entered the airport)

Ifeoluwa - I didn't do anything,he broke up with me

Shile - I know it's my fault

Ifeoluwa - Abeg boy matter aside,I have a company to run, tomorrow prom the day after graduation

Shile - let's go shopping

(We went shopping and bought really expensive dresses)

(At Home)

(In my room)

Ifeoluwa - (my phone rang) someone I taught would never call me(I picked it)📞.........Amirat

Amirat -📞.......I am outside

( I ended the call,I went downstairs to open the door,she hugged me sobbing,I let her in,she sat down)

Ifeoluwa - tell me everything

Amirat - I am pregnant

Ifeoluwa - who is the father

Amirat - Adams

Ifeoluwa -  Are you for real

Amirat - yeah(sobs) I was still dating Daniel,I got drunk and slept with Adams I tried calling him he is not picking up

Ifeoluwa - let me call him (I called him,he picked it up in one ring)

Adams - 📞......... what's the special occasion

Ifeoluwa -📞........ it's about Amirat,Adams how could you

Adams - 📞.......I went to a bar saw her there drunk ,I helped her,she seduced me ,I fucked her, simple

Ifeoluwa -📞 went to a bar or you stalked her

Adams -📞........maybe

Ifeoluwa - 📞.......Adams,I,you and Amira have been friends since babies why the fuck would you do that,what were you thinking

Adams - 📞.......I wasn't thinking I was so bent on getting revenge and I saw a chance

Ifeoluwa - 📞........ revenge on what

Adams -📞......shebi she wants Daniel,now he would reject her

Ifeoluwa - 📞......Adams do you still like Amira

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