Jason's Family 1

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Christian meets Jason's extended family.

"Who's going to be at this shin-ding?" Ashley asked Jason in the vehicle that they're riding.

"My mom and my sister, of course." Jason began answering. "Then there's my aunt and uncle, nieces and nephews, my grandparents, my great aunts and uncles, and the cousins that could make it." Christian drooped in his seat. Jason noticed. "Don't worry. They're going to love you."

"I hope so." Christian muttered.

Jason intertwined their hands and smiled at him. "I love that ring on you." He whispered in Christian's ear. Christian blushed, but couldn't help admiring his matrimony ring as well.

"We're here." Sarah announced as they pulled into the parking lot of a building that had metal roofing on it.

"Woo!" Ashley cheered as they got out, and the Cruella DeVille car parked right next to them as their parents, Jessie, Bryan, and the kids exited it.

"I'll wait out here, master." Troy said to Calvin.

"Don't be silly." Calvin said back. "You are family too, so you may join us."

"Even if you say so." Jessie's kids rushed to Troy and are tugging him towards the entrance way. "Release me." Troy told them. "I'm perfectly capable of walking."

Bryan smiled at the scene as Roger and Jacob snickered at their family caretaker fighting to get free of the children.

Christian glanced at the other cars parked in the lot, and couldn't help feeling a bit nervous.

"Shall we?" Jason asked him.

"Are you sure meeting your family was a good idea? I mean, what would we talk about?"

Jason rolled his eyes. "You'll be fine." He assured Christian before linking arms with him. "Besides, I can't wait to show you off to everyone."

"What am I, your trophy?" Christian asked annoyed.

"Something like that." Jason replied nonchalantly. "Now, let's go."

Christian leered at Jason. "Like I'm going to let you show me off like some kind of prize." He was wriggling out of Jason's grip when John came out of nowhere and linked arms with him on the other side. "What the heck?" They escorted Christian in spite of his protests. And soon, everyone entered the building.

It's a spacious room with an area for people to stand and converse as well as a long table for people to sit, eat, and converse. The lighting is bright with two bathrooms on one side of the building. And a kitchen area on the other side occupied by a sea of pale people. "I don't think I can do this." Christian mumbled before yelping when John and Jason dragged him further in gaining everyone's attention. People greeted Jason, and Jason greeted back as well as introducing Christian and his family to them.

"Jason!" A female voice called out. Jason's mother waved in the crowd. They made their way over in time for her to give Jason a hug. "I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks mom." Jason happily said.

"There he is!" Jason's sister arrived with a wide grin.

"Geez Emma, didn't know you were this excited." Jason prepared himself for another hug when she embraced Christian.

"I'm so happy that you're going to be my brother-in-law." Emma tearfully spoke.

Christian grunted in her arms as Jason gave her a look. "Are you forgetting someone?"

"I see you there." She spat at him.

Christian chuckled with a smile. "I can't wait to be your brother-in-law."

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