03. "𝙎𝙝𝙚 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬"

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Ellie stood in the hospital. She was on shift and she was tired. She knew that training to be a doctor was all that she ever wanted but she always felt as if she was empty. She knew that was because she had been denied the right to be Maddie mum. Ellie grabbed herself a coffee as she turned around and saw warren and sighed

"What are you stalking me now?" She asked as he looked to her and smirked

"You wish we need to talk now" he said as she looked to him snd sighed

"I have ten minutes" she said as she walked outside with him and sighed

"Why didn't you tell me that you had my daughter. Don't lie to me Eleanor I know that she is mine. She's ours isn't she?" He said as she looked to him and nodded

"You want the truth yeah she is. I found out and I wanted to tell you and the next thing I know that you were arrested and carted off to jail. I was alone and scared but I kept her anyway. You have no idea how much I wanted her. I named her and then she was taken" Ellie said. She was trying to hold back to the tears

"What do you mean she was taken? You gave her away like she was nothing"

"Don't you dare. You weren't there. You don't know anything"

"Then what happened" Warren asked as Ellie sighed

"I didn't want any of this"

"What her?" He asked

"Don't you ever say that" Ellie said as she threw her coffee out him

"Fuck that's hot" he yelled

"Good. I didn't want to give her up. My dad came up with the idea. To save in the family embarrassment, that I gave them her and if I didn't I'd be kicked out cut off and homeless. I had no choice I had no one I wanted what was best for her. What could I have offered at fourteen to her. You were gone I never thought I'd see you again" Ellie said

She was crying. She was ashamed at all of it

"You gave our daughter away" he said as he walked over to her as she pushed him away

"I had no choice. I did what was best for her"

"You were manipulated and your parents aren't going to get away with it" he said as he stormed as she grabbed his arm

"You can't tell Maddie it will destroy her" she said as he pushed her against the wall

"You don't get to tell what to do Eleanor" he said as he walked off

Ellie stood in the house pacing. She was worried. She was worried over what Warren was going to do. She knew that if he told Maddie it would ruin things. Ellie knew that Maddie did deserve to know the truth but every time that she bright it up that Sam and Danny wouldn't have it

She knew that she hated that she had to keep this. She hated how her parents manipulated her into all of this. She hated how she felt as if they had robbed her child from her

"Are you okay?" Maddie asked as she walked in and looked to Ellie who smiled

"I'm fine it's just one of those days. Have you seen anyone?" Ellie asked as Maddie looked to her and frowned. Maddie could tell that she was acting weird

"Like who?" Maddie asked as Ellie looked to her

"The man that you were talking to the other day"

"What your ex. I know that he is your ex the tension between the two of you is clear that you use to screw" Maddie said

"You don't want to go there Maddie"

"I am just saying I don't think I have ever seen you with a boyfriend. Your tense you could use loosing up a bit" Maddie said as Ellie looked to her and blinked

"I can't believe I am hearing this right not from you."

"You use to do worse at my age according to leela"

"What's the meant to mean?" Ellie asked

"That leela said that you and this warren bloke were an item before I was born that's all. Are you sure your okay your jumpy

"In fine. Warren hadn't said anything to you has he?"

"Abut what you'd bring weird" Maddie said as Ellie looked to her and smiled

"It doesn't matter forget it" Ellie said

Ellie stood outside of the police station as Sam walked out and looked to her "warren fox came to see me" Sam said as Ellie groaned

"He knows. It's a mess" Ellie said

"You need to keep him sweet Eleanor. Maddie can't know the filth that she came from" Sam said

"What you mean me? I know they you don't understand what me and Warren had but we loved each other. Until you set him up"

"I protected you look how great your life is because I took Maddie off you if you didn't you would have been left alone he wouldn't have stood by you. You'd of been on benefits and living off a council estate"

"Says the woman who grew up in one mother. Maddie isn't and never will be a mistake. Maybe Warren is right Maddie needs to know the truth I wanted to tell her as soon as she was old enough. Maybe I will do that"

"Don't. I am warning you. She will hate you if you tell her" Sam said as Ellie looked to her and glared as she walked off. She was sick of all of this

Ellie stood in the village as she saw warren "I am so not in the mood right now" she said as he nodded

"I'm sorry for what I said. I spoke to your mother they really pulled the wool over your eyes on this. None of it is your fault and I am sorry for what I said. But she does need to know?" He asked as she nodded

Ellie knew that he was right but could she really expose the truth knowing it would tear maddies life apart

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