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Kenji sits on a sandy beach, enjoying the tranquil atmosphere as he savors a delicious ice cream cone. The gentle sound of waves lapping against the shore provides a soothing backdrop to his moment of relaxation.

Kenji: (contentedly) Ah, nothing beats a day at the beach with some ice cream.

Suddenly, Kenji's expression darkens as a troubling thought crosses his mind. He turns to the system, a frown creasing his brow.

Kenji: Hey, System. What happened to Jujutsu Kaisen? Is everything okay with Gojo?

The system, appearing as a floating interface beside Kenji, responds with a somber tone.

System: I'm afraid not, Kenji. Gojo has been killed.

Shock washes over Kenji's face at the revelation, his eyes widening in disbelief.

Kenji: (aghast) What?! Who could have done such a thing to my boy in the manga?

The system provides the answer, its virtual form projecting the name of the culprit.

System: It was the author of Jujutsu Kaisen, Gege Akutami.

Kenji's anger flares at the news, his fists clenched in frustration as he demands action.

Kenji: (fiercely) Gege Akutami, huh? Get my creator my dad, Blazar-Night, on the line. Now!

The system hesitates, its virtual form wavering with uncertainty.

System: I'm sorry, Kenji, but I can't—

Kenji cuts off the system with a steely glare, his voice firm and commanding.

Kenji: (authoritatively) I said, get my dad on the line. That's an order.

The system, unable to deny Kenji's command, finally relents, its virtual form bowing to his will.

System: As you wish, Kenji.

In a burst of light, Blazar-Night materializes before Kenji, his presence commanding and authoritative.

In a burst of light, Blazar-Night materializes before Kenji, his presence commanding and authoritative

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Blazar-Night: What's wrong, son? You called for me?

Kenji meets Blazar-Night's gaze with determination, his expression resolute as he lays out his demand.

Kenji: I need you to send me back to my Real-World, Dad. There's some unfinished business I need to take care of.

Blazar-Night regards Kenji with a mix of curiosity and concern, his brow furrowing in response to his son's request.

Blazar-Night: What kind of business, Kenji? You know I can't just send you back without a good reason.

Kenji's eyes flash with intensity as he delivers his answer, his resolve unwavering in the face of his father's inquiry.

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