Second Chances

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Thank you all for the support. Enjoy this update.

Anna's POV

I follow Barry into the Speed Lab where he's moping around. "Hey." He looks up at me and I can see how broken he is. "You want to talk about it?" He sits down and lets out a big sigh.

"I've just been struggling with everything lately." I sit down across from him.

"Why didn't you tell me, Kadabra was back?" I ask him.

"I knew you were with our kids and I didn't want to worry you when I thought I could handle it." He answers.

"Babe, you were facing one of our most dangerous villains who knows how to mess with your mind. You should never have to deal with that alone."

"You were willing to just disarm the bomb no questions asked." He throws back. "Did you even think about what could go wrong? How the kids and I would be if you..." He bites his lips and I know he's fighting back tears.

"We risk our lives every day to keep this world safe from those who wish it harm. We know we're never guaranteed to come home. I mean Oliver didn't. He made the ultimate sacrifice for us all and...his kids are living without him." I point out.

"I don't want that for our kids. I thought with Crisis being over we would just have a chance at normalcy."

"We will never be normal, but that's okay." I assure him. He keeps looking down.

"I just remember how he knew what happened to you in the future and how you lost your mind but he was willing to let us suffer and..." He bites his lip again. "I remember what happens to you in the future. How I wasn't there to save you from myself much you suffered."

"That was one version of the future which is possibly not even going to happen because we've messed with the timeline so much who knows what the future holds for us." I argue. Barry just shakes his head.

"I have nightmares of that day." He looks at me again with tears in his eyes. "You were a shell of yourself."

"You can't worry yourself of what may or may not happen in the future." I try and reason with him.

"Nora made it more of a reality when she told us what happened to you. It's not something that is impossible. We know it can happen." Barry argues.

"Who knows what future we've made for ourselves by stopping Crisis and keeping you from vanishing." I remind him. Barry wipes more tears from his eyes. "What did you mean when you said that you were tricked again?" I ask.

"From the very first moment that those imposters walked into our home, I should've seen it. I should've known they weren't Damian or Iris." He admits. "I'm sorry that...I keep getting tricked by everyone. Thawne, Zoom, Savitar, DeVoe, Eva, and even you." He looks at me with tears in his eyes. "All I do is make mistakes in trusting people when I shouldn't and people get hurt because of it."


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