Chapter 4: A Demonic Deal

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As Genya was researching and generally being productive, Sanemi was jus vibin and rockin out to his fav tunesies.

"Girl I'm trying to read could u pls turn off the music????" Genya complained. "Or at the very least could u put on something less,,,,, loud??"

"Sorry pookie, driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole :P" Sanemi replied.

"😑" Genya said, done with Nemi's bs. But then suddenly :O! Dad sent them a text!! "Oo hey, dad just sent me a link to a case! So get this, in some town not too far from here, there were several people randomly falling into comas, and many eventually even died. It also seems like all the victims were girls 🤨"

"Dope let's check it out," Sanemi agreed, so they zoomed over to the local hospital n got into their FBI cosplays. When they arrived, there were a couple police officers surveying the place! Sanemi and Genya walked up to two of them to ask some questions.

"Hello, ma'am, we're with the FBI," Genya politely introduced himself. "Would you mind answering some questions?"

"We've already spoke to multiple different FBI agents 😒 clearly they don't know what they're doing," one cop said. She was short with purple hair that was tied back with a butterfly clip. "We can handle this ourselves, thanks 😑"

"Shinobu, they're just trying to help 🥺" the other one said, who had pink and green hair and big bazoongas. "We'll take any help we can get :))))"

"Mitsuri, we don't need a bunch of stupid men taking over our job >:(" Shinobu said.

"Wha— can we at least get an autopsy or something??" Sanemi asked.

"No 😡" Shinobu said, and slammed the door.

"... Well that was a bust," Sanemi said.

"Well :/ maybe we could just ask around town??" Genya suggested.

"Yea ig," Sanemi said, so they drove around and found a cute lil bar. "Ooh I wonder if they have burgers!!!!" he commented.

 "Ooh I wonder if they have burgers!!!!" he commented

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" " Genya said.

So they went in and Sanemi ordered a burger and Genya ordered a salad. The bar was almost completely empty except for the bartender, who was some goofy lookin guy that's fashion sense could only be described with the word "flashy," and some dude with googly eyes that was playing billiards by himself with a very enthusiastic grin.

"Sooooo, either of y'all know anything about those chicks that keep falling into comas perchance??" Sanemi asked.

"Ah, yes, it's not very flashy :/ but we'd love to spill the tea!" Tengen said.

"Yes! We love spilling various hot beverages as long as said beverages are actually funky gossip and not real beverages!" Rengoku said. "If we enjoyed spilling drinks, we wouldn't be in the bartending business! Because we need to be expert drink mixers without wasting any of the beverage—"

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