Elliot Stabler X Victim freshman Reader

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Request: Hey can I request a victim of rape reader whos a freshman and she’s friends with Maureen and stabler and benson are on the case and Elliot doesn’t know about her being friends with Maureen it’s brought up.

So sorry for the wait!

Third person pov...

In the vibrant halls of Manhattan's bustling Hudson University amidst the throngs of eager freshmen, resided Y/N L/N an innocent and vulnerable soul.

Unassuming and quiet, she had found solace in an unlikely friendship with Maureen Stabler in their drama class together.

They had been working with the other members on their play, Y/N had been stressed so she'd gone for a late night walk.

On a crisp autumn night, as Y/N made her way back to her dorm from a late walk for some fresh air.

As she walked a chilling hand reached out from the alleyway, grabbing her arm and pulling her into the darkness. Fear coursed through her veins as she struggled against her assailant's grip.

The attacker, a masked figure, pressed a cold blade against her skin, threatening her life. As she struggles in his grip he slaps her making the teen go silent and stop moving.

"Quit it or you die" he threatens her holding his hand over her mouth.

As the assailant fled, Y/N lay trembling on the pavement, her mind reeling from the trauma.

After calming down after the attack she eventually got safetly back to the dormitories, as she walked through the door her room mate Maureen Stabler was sat in bed.

She had been waiting for Y/N to return. "N/N! I was worried" she says getting up from her bed and waking over to the
H/C girl, once she got closer she saw the fear on the Freshmans face.

Her E/C eyes filled with unshed tears.
"Y/N?" Maureen was worried, holding her friends arm she shook Y/N out of her thoughts.

"Maureen, hi" when she looked up, Maureen worried when she noticed a red mark appearing on her face, the teen went to touch the spot but Y/N flinched.

Maureen stopped dead, her eyes wide as she looked at her friend, the H/C girl was looking at the ground. "N/N did something happen?" She asks the girl.

Y/N breathes in shakily, slowly she looks up at Maureen, tears in her eyes. "I was raped" she whsipers tears falling down her cheeks.

Maureen gasps before pulling her friend into a hug, holding her as she cried and told the girl what happend.

Meanwhile, at the bustling office of the Special Victims Unit, Detectives Olivia Benson and Elliot Stabler were briefing their team on a series of disturbing attacks targeting young women.

The unmistakable modus operandi led them to believe that a serial predator was at large.

Olivia and Elliot arrived at Hudson University, they had been told of a rape that occurred, a Freshman called Y/N
L/N was raped and had only just told the teachers.

One of her friends who wished to remain anonymous told a teacher because she was worried for her friend, the teacher then called SVU and let Y/N know that two detectives will be speaking to her.

As they canvassed the halls, Stabler's gaze fell upon a vibrant flyer for a Drama Club performance. The name Maureen Stabler jumped out at him, stirring an uneasy sensation within him.

Benson, sensing Stabler's unease, discreetly inquired about Maureen. "Maureen had mentioned about a new friend called Y/N" he told his patner, Liv patted his shoudler.

"It'll be okay El, we'll catch this guy" she reassured the worried man, Elliot smiled tightly at Liv, they then ask a student walking past, who pointed them towards a rehearsal room.

As they walked in they saw a group of students each working together to create the stage backgrounds and practising their rehearsal. "Hey Police"  calls Elliot and Olivia as they walk in holding up their badges.

One of the students walk over. "Hey who do you need?" He asks clearly one of the elder students, Elliot looks at him before answering. "We're looking for
Y/N L/N" he says, the teen points him in the right direction.

The two detectives find the two girls, they were sat together painting a background for thr play, as they two laught, Benson and Stabler then walked over to the girls.

Smiling Liv held out her badge, Y/N looked worriedly at the two, Maureen looking at her friend holding her hand.

"Hi Y/N right, I'm Olivia this is Elliot we are with Special Victims" she told the girls, she smiled at them.

Y/Ns eyes widened before she turned to look at Maureen. "You told them" she says her voice quiet. Maureen looked at her friend quilt across her face as she nodded.

She then took the H/C girls hand. "I'm sorry Y/N but they can help you, I told you my Dads a detective" at that Y/N nods. Maureen gives her a smile.

"This is him, he helps Victims of rape, they will catch the guy" she explains to her friend, Y/N sighs. "I tell you everything" she says to Benson.

She then told the detectives what happend with Maureen's holding her hands.

Together, Stabler and Benson delved into the investigation, their professional prowess intertwined with personal ties.

As they unraveled the threads of the attack, they discovered a twisted plot involving jealousy and a desire for revenge.

In the end, justice prevailed, and the perpetrator was apprehended. Y/N's ordeal had been traumatic, but the support of her friends and the unwavering determination of Detectives Benson and Stabler had seen her through.

Her and Maureen kept their friendship during the ordeal, Y/N was grateful that she had such a friend.

The end!

Hope you liked this oneshot, so sorry it took me so long to write this, didn't have any ideas until now, as usual sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes.

Requests are open!

Word count : 1020

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