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A Jaden Walton story


The entire morning had been full of stress well at least for Isabella who was steaming her dress- she should of steamed it the night before but she was practicing how to do her hair perfectly-she should of done her hair trials a day before yesterday but she was busy finding a dress

Isabella wasn't excited for prom she was excited for it to be over she knew it would be fun and it would give her a lot to look back on but she hated stress

Jaden on the other hand was excited he hated the idea of prom but he wanted Isabella to have the best night

"Isabella are you good girl" Isabella turned her head towards Aria who was sitting on the kitchen island "yea why what happened" Aria Shrugged "nothing it's like you've been asleep for days" Isabella went back to steaming her dress "I don't know I guess I've been out of it lately"

After a few hours both the girls were outside Jaden house taking pictures by the green house flowers

"wait grab her hips" aria shouted before snapping the picture Isabella and Jaden were still getting use to be able to show affection in public but they were both having so much fun taking pictures

"I want one of us being silly" Isabella said she wrapped her arms around Jaden neck facing the camera with a silly face as Jaden did the same

The two couples switched letting Isabella and Jaden be the photographer

When they were done the two girls hopped into the back of Dylan jeep as Jaden sat in the front

"This night is literally gonna be so fun"Aria squealed "I know afterwards we should get Chick-fil-A" "why are you always thinking about food" "can you shut up Dylan actually" everyone started laughing as Dylan rolled his eyes

When they arrived to prom which was at Buford convention center many teen were already there making their way inside in all different colors since their prom didn't have a theme

"Uh I swear this better be good for the amount I spent on my ticket" Jaden looked at Isabella "I paid for our tickets" "oh right stillll shush" "plus if this one sucks maybe the one for my school won't" Isabella nodded before walking hand in hand towards the building

Inside there was many round tables and a mirrorball hung at the center of the ceiling reflecting off the thousand of pieces it had

"Omg this is gonna be so fun" Isabella said clapping her hands

They waited in line to take their prom picture by the provided photographer before making their way to their dance floor

As Jaden and Isabella were dancing well Jaden was kinda look like the dancing emoji 🕺 but he was trying his best he grabbed Isabella spinning her around causing her to accidentally bump into someone

"Sorry" Isabella said before turning back to Jaden feeling embarrassed "wait isn't that Jaden Walton" the girl asked walking closer she smiled brightly when her guess was proven correctly "omg I'm such a big fan can I have a photo wait let me go get my friends" the girl quickly ran off going to call her friends over as Isabella stood with Aria waiting awkwardly

When almost 15 girls were done taking pics with Jaden he felt horrible this night was shifting the wrong way cause his focus wasn't all on Isabella like it should be when she's near

"Woww your really mr charming" Jaden laughed before coming closer to Isabella pulling her in by her hips "I'm sorry about that" Isabella shook her head brushing it off "don't be I have to accept that you have a fanbase if I want to be with you" Jaden didn't know what to say he rested his forehead on hers closing his eyes as they both swayed lightly to the music

He knew he liked Isabella he might've even loved her, she might've been the only women he ever loved

"Isabella" Isabella lifted her head up looking into his eyes "yes" "I love you" Jaden couldn't believe he admitted it out loud but he also couldn't keep it in anymore "you love me?" Jaden nodded "I'd be insane not to" "I don't believe you" "then I will spend everyday proving it to you till you do" Isabella smiled leaning in to kiss him

After a fun night of dancing and singing Isabella started feeling tired so Jaden called his mom to come pick them up

"Hi Mrs Walton" Isabella said as Jaden helped her into the back seat before sliding in himself "hey Isabella how was the night?" "It was actually really good I enjoyed it"

The rest of the car ride was silent til they got to Isabella house she said her goodbyes to Jessica before walking towards her door with Jaden following behind her

He helped her to her room picking out some pajama for her he waited in her closet for 5 minutes but never heard her say he could come out

"Isabella?" Jaden slowly opened the closet door giving enough time for Isabella to stop him if she wasn't done changing but the stop never came he opened the door fully to see Isabella knocked out on her bed with her cat laying next to her Jaden laughed petting the cat "hey Romeo"

Jaden was about to leave but stopped himself turning to Isabella vanity he walked over pulling out a makeup wipe and wiping her makeup off disposing of the wipe

"Goodnight Bella" Jaden planted a kiss on her forehead before walking out

Line without a hook- Jaden Walton Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora