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Roc:yo y'all its roc Royal from mindless behavior and in this video you're about to watch us on the road when we travel to Ireland,England all around France everywhere if you wanna tell us how it is on the road comment down below stay tuned till the end of the video and I'll answer some fanmail


Princeton:it funny cause when i first joined the group i just couldn't wait to go on tour I wanted to explore everything

Ray Ray:Man I feel a good 7 hour flight to Brussel we're heading to Ireland right now we're in Belfast

Prodigy: heading to Dublin

Roc Royal:Right now we're walking in London

Amara:I'm so ready I've been waiting

Princeton:I think my favorite places that we've been to would be New York and London I really like the art and the people out here

Ray Ray:Europe is the best and Belgium I love their waffles you want a waffle call Belgium

Prodigy:my favorite place would have to be Philly cuz that's where I'm from but I love London cuz I reminds me so much of the east coast

Roc Royal: London it has a lot of like old things around here I mean we seem the uh buckham Palace yesterday we seen the place where the queen teach her Jews it's really historical

Amara: I'ma put this short but I love England and I love Belgium the reason I love Belgium is because of their fries and I love England because they have a lot of energy

Princeton: Whenever we're not performing and doing a lot of promos on tour I definitely like to try um different foods when we come out here we definitely try nando

Ray Ray:I like nando's

Prodigy:you know what I'm saying y'all know what y'all want on this menu

Amara:I could eat a train right now fr tho I'm starving I'm fat guys

Princeton:I like a lot of humom I'm very greedy but we we ate that last night

Ray Ray: Right now we're in Mando with pixie lot it's pretty cool now we just talking, chilling,and can't wait for the food

Pixie:Now, where about in L.A. do you live

Roc:uh south Central

Princeton:This is a typical mindless off day we roam around we take advantage of the city and we have fun no negative energy

Amara:Love off days!! So stay tuned for ep2 I love y'all bye MB fam

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