Being vulnerable

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The decision to join Wattpad was a daunting one for me. I knew that by putting myself out there, especially as a femboy I was opening myself up to potential judgment and criticism from others.

The fear of not being seen as 'normal' by society weighed heavily on my mind.

All I want is to be accepted for who I truly am, without having to pretend to be someone I'm not.

I have ADHD

Severe anxiety issues

Abandonment issues

A low self esteem at time but I can be pretty confident to

But my trust issues make it difficult for me to fully open up and share my thoughts and feelings with others.

Please be patient with me as I navigate this journey of self-expression and vulnerability.

Your understanding and support mean more to me than you'll ever know.

With love
~ Cece

 Femboy ConfessionsWhere stories live. Discover now