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    Elena "please don't let them take me"Eijah just looks at her and says "one last piece of business and we're done" he goes towards Trevor

Trevor "I've waited so long for this day Elijah I'm truly very sorry" "oh no your apology are not necessary"Cameron said out of nowhere "I think a apology is necessary" "Cameron not the time"I said "ask the doppelgänger her name Izzy"

"No you-"and be for I could finish Dad smacked Trevor
Head of clean me and Cameron just looked at his head

Rose is crying her eyes out "you...!" "Don't rose now that you are free" my dad looks at the doppelgänger
"Come"is all he said "no and what about the moonstone"

    "What do you know about the moonstone" my dad asked "I know that you need it and I know where it is"
"I can help you get it"dad looked in her eyes and tried to compel her to "tell me where it is" "It doesn't work that way" "Are you negotiating with me?"he looks at rose "it's the first I heard of it"He tries to compel Elena but it doesn't work. He looks at her necklace

  "What is this vervein doing around here?" He ripped it off her neck "Tell me where the moonstone is"

"In the tomb, underneath the church ruins" " what is it doing there"I asked "It's with Katherine" then we heard this noise "What is that?" My dad asked rose curiously "I don't know" she replied "Who else is in this house?" "I don't know" dad grabbed the doppelgänger and told me and Cameron to stay behind him

We go down stairs and we see a blur go in front of us
Dad looked at rose and said "rose" "I don't know who it is" dad looked at me and Cameron "girls go hide" I looked at Cameron and took her hand and ran we found a closet and I got in but when I looked back at Cameron she wasn't there a

I looked I went to go out of the closet but I heard a voice that sounded so familiar warm like family telling me to stay in the closet so I did I heard a lot of noise but I was having a anxiety attack so it was all a blur

Then I heard a scream it was......Cameron then I heard nothing

I cried and put my hands over my mouth to muffle my crying and I heard a door shut I slowly got out of the closet and the first thing I saw was my dad on the wall with a stake in his heart I knew that he was ok but it still hurt so then I looked to my left and my best friend my other half Cameron died on the floor I feel to my knees fell to the floor it was like all the air in the world was gone my heart stopped my whole body shut down it happened so fast because next thing I know my dad is hugging me and telling me that it is all right

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