BloodMoon ~ DinoSaur AU (1)

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This was made with ~ Captivating_Stories

Characters ~ Ruin, Bloodmoon & StitchWraith.

"What did you do?!?." Stitchwraith yelled, glaring at Ruin.
Ruin rolled his eyes at the Stitchwraiths dramaticness.
"Why, I didn't do anything!. It's not my fault our plans backfired!."
Ruin looked around and made a humming sound.
"We will need to find a source of electricity though...and there seems to be only one way...."
Stitchwraith growled with frustration.
"And what is that?."
Ruin scoffed.
"Lightning of course...We'll have to wait for a storm."

"I don't understand! How will-
Stitchwraith stopped talking and scanned the area.
"Where's Bloodmoon?."
Bloodmoon let out an excited holler and millions of tiny footsteps could be heard galloping across the ground.
"I really like this world brother!."
"Me too! Me too! This is going to be so fun!."
"So much prey!."
"So much chaos to cause!."
"So much food!."
"We'll never have to depend on anybody ever again!."
"We can do whatever we want here!. None of those...disgusting heroes to get in the way...."
"If we can even call them heroes...They cause just as much damage as us sometimes."

As the twins continued to have a casual conversation, chasing the mini dinosaurs, Stitchwraith shook his head and sighed.
"Quite the pair those two are...aren't they?." Ruin asked, a slight chuckle in his tone.
Stitchwraith walked towards the twins.
"I better go and keep an eye on them...Make sure they don't get themselves killed..."
Stitchwraith stopped and watched as the now distracted twins stopped, having a stare down with a small lizard, poking its face-
"What are you?." They growled.
"Can you talk or are you another useless creature for us to hunt later?."
The lizard gave a small shriek and a yellowish/green substance came out of its mouth-
The twins grumbled as the gooey substance covered their face.
Using their hands to wipe it off, they stepped backwards, tripping over a log and landing on their butt.

Stitchwraith let out another sigh...this time an exhausted-sounding sigh. He rolled his eyes.
" I'm surrounded by idiots."
Looking back, his eyes widened-
"H-hey!. Get that out of your mouth!"
Rushing over to scold the twins some more, he picked up Bloodmoon by his cape, lifting him up from off the ground, their feet dangling in the air- 
Bloomoon growled, refusing to let go!.
Stitchwraith gave a few more tugs, trying his best to pry the thing away from bloodmoon-
"Stop it!." The one (Jake.) Spoke.
"Stop being an idiot." The other one (Andrew spoke.)

After hours of watching the twins, Stitchwraith grew annoyed with their constant need to hunt everything in sight- They decided to explore this world on their own.
Looking up at the sky, they grumbled.
"Why do we need lighting anyways?...I feel like he's not telling me something....-
Stitchwraith tumbled to the ground!.
Putting a hand to his face/mask, he groaned- opening his eyes he was shocked at the sight of a...a....(PICK A CREATURE GUYS!.) ~ ?. Climbing into his lap- Stitchwraith swatted at the (Creature.).
"Get away from me!."

The (Creature.) placed both hands/paws/whatever on Stitchwraiths mask.
His eyes widened.
Before Stitchwraith had the chance to push it away-
It let out a hissing/angry noise, mask in hand/paw- it dashed across ground!.
Stitchwraith stood up-
"H-hey!. Get back here!."
He stuttered.

Meanwhile, Ruin was working on a way to get back home-
Bloodmoon had just gotten finished with his hunts, complaining at how the creatures were too easy to catch and how it grew boring when really Bloodmoon just stunk at catching them.
Ruin tapped on the gadget and laughed with delight.
Doing a cute jumping dance.
"I did it! We can go home is the Stitchwraith Bloodmoon?."
Bloodmoon growled.
"How should we know?!? He's not our responsibility!."
Ruin rolled his eyes.
"I find that funny considering the fact that they watched over the two of you for hours, yet you can't watch him for 5 seconds."
Bloodmoon averted ruins gaze. Growling again.

A loud rumbling noise sounded from Bloodmoon, Ruins eyes widened.
"Bloodmoon?...What was that?."
Bloodmoon cross his arms, his voice cracking a little.
"N-Nothing! It's nothing! Mind You're own business!."
Ruins eyes narrowed in suspicion...
"Bloodmoon, I know that you're-
Ruins mouth gaped open as more chaotic noises sounded off- Bloodmoon whipped his head to look at Ruin...A frown plastered on his face.
Bloodmoon stomped his foot to the ground.
"Alright...- He grumbled
"So maybe we do have something we're hiding..."
Ruin wanted to ask further questions but Bloodmoon began to walk away...
Ruin hoped it was to look for Stitchwraith...
"Are you going to eat that or keep it as a pet?!?."
Ruin shouted.
The Twins yelled back in their usual angry tones...
"Leave us alone!. If we want it as a pet then so be it!."
"That is not your business....Pointy Man!."
"We found something as deadly as us, so stop interrogating us and send us back home!."

Yelling could be heard in the distance and loud (Creature.) noises
Ruin and Bloodmoon whipped their heads back.
Bloodmoon started laughing worse than a hyena ever could.
And Ruin just let out small tsks sounds.
"The trouble the 4 of you get into just might be the death of me."
The animal made it's way near where Ruin and Bloodmoon where-
Ruin grabbed hold of the creature like it was nothing and handed Stitchwraith his mask back, he looked to Stitchwraith with a very unamused gaze.
"That wasn't so hard was it?."
Ruin turned back to the gadget.
"Now then!...Lets go home!."
It took a moment for Stitchwraith to recover from his shock..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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