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Jeannie couldn't breathe. Why can't she see me? The woman's eyes darted back to the spot where Jeannie was supposed to be for just a moment, but she looked away. The woman paced for a minute, scanning the area where Jeannie had just been. Any fear that Jeannie had once had of being found was replaced by the opposite. Why can't you see me? Look at me, please, look at me! I'm right here! She felt like crying but no matter how much she tried to scream, cry, make any sound, nothing happened. The woman stalked around the corner and was gone, leaving Jeannie alone.

As the woman's footsteps faded to silence, Jeannie's thoughts ran wild, a tempest of emotions whirling through her brain. Why can't she see me why can't I move why can't I do anything what is happening let me out let me out LET ME OUT.

A shadow fell across her vision, but as she scanned her limited view, she saw that nothing had changed. She could feel the cold hands on her, holding her in place, but suddenly there was a different hand. The one covering her mouth and the one wrapped around her stomach tightened its grip, but she could feel her skin crawl as a third hand wrapped around her shoulder.

Unlike with the first two, she could feel warmth emanating from the palm as it pressed against her sweater- through her sweater. Another warm hand manifested at her waist, hot nails digging into the skin above her waist band. If she could have, she would have cried out in pain.

She could feel herself being jostled, one set of invisible hands pulling her one way while the other resisted. For a moment, the new hands released her, leaving her with the only original. The cold loosened, as if relieved or relaxed. Suddenly, the two burning hands slammed into her chest, sending her careening backwards. Her head spun as her vision came and went. In an instant, she had fallen back, stumbling and crashing onto the concrete floor of a dark room. The light from a broken window spilled in, dim. She blinked and took a deep breath, head spinning with information and questions.

Was I just inside the wall? It was the only thought that jumped into her mind, the only one that wasn't a question. She took another shaky breath and wrapped her arms around herself, closing her eyes. Someone grabbed me and pulled me back against the wall- no. Not against the wall. That woman couldn't see me, even though I was standing right there. I was right there! And I couldn't move. Why couldn't I move? The woman left and there were more hands and someone pushed me and now- Her heart stopped as she glanced around and realization hit her like a punch in the gut. I'm inside the warehouse.

The Paranormal Powerwashers and the Missing GhostsΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα