Quite a teenage love affair

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Danny's POV
It's Monday once again and I slowly walk down the congested halls to my first period. Before I know it,I'm pulled to some lockers to my right by my best friend Sam."Hey bud,what's up? You look like you died and came back!"he says. That was quite a polite greeting."Hello Sam,and I'm just tired."I sigh."Did you stay up all night? Why?"he questions. I did stay up all night. I could barely get any sleep because of how hurt I felt. I was tossing and turning in my sheets,just thinking of Zahra. All I want is for her to feel the same way as I do. I don't want to be an embarrassment to her. "I just had some trouble sleeping."I reply. Sam eyes me for a second."Okay buddy...but if you have a problem,come talk to me!"he smiles and leaves me by the lockers. I mange to get back in the nonstop moving crowd and make it to my first period.

Zahra's POV
I roll my eyes for the second time this morning. Keisha told all our friends about the incident yesterday,whom spread the word,and now everyone is staring at me. I shut my locker,and carry my books to first period,all eyes on me. Why is this happening to me? All I was trying to do was be nice to someone new,and this is what I get. This still isn't discouraging me from being Danny's friend. I finally make it to my first period and sit at the front. The bell rings and my teacher starts the long lecture about the book we are currently reading.

Danny's POV
The bell finally rings and I walk out of class to my locker. I grab my books and shut it. I turn to see Zahra walking down the hall,all eyes on her. I wonder what happened."Boo!"someone says behind me,startling me. I turn to see Sam cackling."Hey Sam."I greet glumly. "Hey did you hear the news? Keisha found out that Zahra is hanging with some dude and she cursed her out yesterday. I hear that Zahra has done some stuff with him too." My heart hurts. Was Zahra really messing with someone else? "Oh."I manage to strain out. Who was this other guy Zahra was hanging with? Did she really do 'things' with him? I knew she wouldn't like me. Girls like her don't date guys like me. I hang my head down a bit and walk off to second period.

"That's him!" I hear Keisha call out from behind me. I turn around to see her pointing at me from down the hallway."That's the dude she's been messing with!" All eyes turn to me as some people gasp and others laugh. I blush. I see Sam staring at me with wide eyes and jaw hung open. I turn around and hurry to my next class. What did I do to deserve this? I just wanted to be Zahra's friend. I sit in my desk and keep my head down as everyone stares me down.

Zahra's POV
I helplessly watch from my desk to see Keisha call Danny out in the middle of the hall. I decided to get to class early,and sat in the front,just to see Danny be humiliated. He then hurries off. I know there's more to come,and I need to warn him. I write a note telling him to meet me in the janitor's closet before third period,and put it away in my pocket until after class.

Almost as in a snap,the bell rings and I rush out the class to his locker,before too many people can see what I'm doing. I hear three people hoot at me as I slid the note in,but I ignore them and then rush off. I'm glad I saw him open his locker before second period,or else I wouldn't have been able to warn him. I make it to the closet and stand in complete darkness. I hope he comes..he needs to...

Danny's POV
Some people stare and laugh at me and a few jocks shove me as I walk to my locker. I ignore it,already accustomed to being bullied and alienated,and open my locker. A yellow note falls out and I read it. It tells me to meet them in the janitor's closet by the science class,and it's signed as 'Z'. I decide to go,since it's by my third period anyway. I wonder who it is as I walk down the hall. Maybe it's Sam,wait no,his third period is the other way because he has band. It had to be someone who shared the same third period as me.

I make it to the closet and slowly go in. I can feel a presence in here."Danny?"a voice asks lightly. My heart speeds up. It's Zahra! "Yes, Zahra?"I ask back. She hugs me tight,pressing me against the door. I blush and use my free hand to turn on the lightbulb. I look down to see her hugging me."Im sorry!"she sobs."I didn't mean to make you seem like you were an embarrassment to me; you're not! I just didn't want this to happen. I didn't want to get you involved,but sadly it's too late for that. You're just going to have to deal with this. And it's going to get so hard,you don't know how mean those jocks can be Danny. You've only scraped the top of the barrel."I feel tears wetting my shirt. I awkwardly rub a hand through her hair,but I get more relaxed as time passes. She really does care about me,huh?

We slide down to the floor, Zahra never leaving me."You really do care about me,don't you?"I ask slowly. She's quiet for what seems like forever."Yes,Danny."she finally answers."I do care about you. A lot. It may have only been a little while,but I feel like I've known you my whole life. I don't know, it's a connection,a vibe I get from you. I feel as if...I'm home." I lift her head up lightly and stare into her eyes. I brush her curly hair to the side. I slowly lean in...and kiss her. Her lips are so soft and plump and I put all my emotions into the kiss. It just feels so right. After a minute or so,we break apart,panting. She opens her mouth to say something,but nothing comes out and she closes her mouth again. My blue eyes continue to pierce her brown ones,making sure to let her know all I feel for her. "Danny I-" the door opening interrupts us,making us fall over. I land on top of her. "Excuse me children!"an old janitor exclaims."No,it's not what you think! We were just talking in here,and when you opened the door,it cause us to fall into this position."Zahra gets to explain before I can. "Ok,but you lasses need to get to class, eh?" He says in Irish accent. I nod my head and help Zahra up. We both walk to class hand-in-hand,glad that no other pupils could see us."Come over to my house at three,okay?"she tells me, I nod my head and we both walk into class,causing some students to hoot.

Zahra's POV
I pace my bedroom and look at the clock. Two fifty-one. I had nine minutes to figure out what I'm supposed to tell Danny about the kiss and how i feel about him. I sigh and furrow my eyebrows. I guess I was just going to have to wing it.

Danny's POV
I arrive at Zahra's house a little after three. I knock and she answers it."Hey!"she smiles and let's me in."Just leave your shoes by the door."she informs. I comply and follow her to her room."Sit."she tells me. I sit on a random purple beanbag chair in her room,which oddly didn't fit since the rest of the room had light colors and was painted a light yellow."So why did you bring me here?"I ask,knowing full and why."Well...I actually wanted to talk about that kiss."she answers,still pacing the room. I watch her. After what seemed like forever,she finally speaks up.

"Danny,the kiss was..amazing. I never knew how strong your feelings were until you did that. Not only did it reveal a lot more about you to me; it has made me realize my feelings for you." I start to blush and sweat nervously. She sighs and closes her eyes."I like you too Danny. A lot. I want to be more than just friends. I want to be a couple,best friends,homies,in love. I don't care what other people say now. I should've known better back in first grade when I left you. I knew it was wrong,but I just didn't speak up." She remembered us in first grade?"But enough of the past. I like you Danny. I like you a lot! And I want to be with you!"she starts saying,so much passion in her voice.

I get up and kiss her. Right on the lips,very passionate. She smiles after we break apart. I sit on her bed and we lay together,talking,laughing,and being affectionate until her mother came home. We both giggle as she sneaks me out through her fire escape. I finally make it to the concrete ground and wave goodbye to her. She smiles waving back,and then pokes her head back inside and sitting her window. I giggle a bit. Quite the teenage love affair we have.

A/N: (Edit 7/4/17 Ugh I cannot believe how trashy this story was when I wrote it! Lol)
I hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter,I worked really hard on it. I apologize for not updating as quickly,but my life is getting really busy. I plan to finish this story before August,I can promise that! Anyway vote,follow,comment,and keep on reading! ~Brooklyndiva02

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