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"Sir, let's go...staying here is not safe"
A junior said to his senior

"No Varun, we are here for saving life not just for the mission"

"Sir, but result can be our death...we should leave from here"

"We are fauji, we should not be scared of death... Death should be scared of us, I hope you got my point"

"Yes sir"

"Stay here...I'll be back soon, I'm going inside..."

"No sir, I'll also come with you, I can't let you go inside the warehouse alone"

"You are staying here only and that's an order"

"Jai Hind sir...come back soon"


He entered the warehouse and searched for some clues and the voices which were coming before, Varun waited for almost half an hour,  but suddenly he heard a voice of gun shot... And the shooting was going on continuously...
He went inside to see the scenario but he was so scared... As his senior was not only his senior... but his mentor, his idol, his elder brother and his only family...he didn't want to lose him at any cost...

On the other hand...

Someone called a girl and said
"Mam, here is an emergency, no specialist doctor is here!! Can you please come and save his life??
His condition is very critical...!!"

That girl gulped the saliva and said
"You know that I left this job...then why are you calling me??"

"Mam it's very urgent, please try to understand... There is nothing before, if that time could save someone's life"

"Yess, I know, okay finee...I'll be there as soon as I get any flight...until I come there...treat his outer wounds..."

"Okay mam, Thank You so much for helping"

"It's my duty!!"

Someone had said... if you are devoted to your work...even after leaving will call you...

But it is also true that nothing comes before someone's life...and we, the doctors should do their best to save their lifes...
The smiles after the operation gets successful and when we saves the person,of the family members of the patients is priceless...
The hope, the tears in their eyes when a doctor opens the door of operation theatre, we can't describe in some mere is wordless...
It has so many emotions...

But what if...
A doctor needs treatment itself...
Not of blood wounds...but of mental wounds...

A doctor treats everyone...but who is there for them??
Who will treat them??


"At least listen to me na!!"

"Why?? Why should I listen to you??
Go blabber in front of that bitch"

A sudden pull and she was in his arms
"At least look at me?? Pleaseeee" the best weapon, PUPPY EYES

"Whattt??" And her best weapon, rolling her eyes

"You are the only one, infornt of whom I love to talk, I love to tell about me day, tell YOU about my life... And you are the only one for whom I can even die after my country without any guilt, and will be the happiest man in the world to see you while dying!!!!"

"Just shut up" and embrace herself in his arms and cried for how many hours?? God knows!!! 💗


Here is the prologue of my new story!
If you liked the concept, then please vote and share your reviews with me in the comments!! 🌸🤍

If you got this story for the first time...
Then congratulations.... You entered the world of emotions and feelings...

Hope you liked it 💗🌷
Will meet you soon 💌

Till then
Take care
Stay safe
Happy reading 🤍

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