Let them eat cake

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Dragon and Kuzan bake a cake together for Kuzan's birthday

A birthday fic! Fluff this time


"Let's bake a cake, Dragon!"

Dragon was promptly dragged to Marineford's main kitchen. The strength of an eager child is not to be played with. Once they had arrived, the chefs grinned at him, and they had already prepped an empty counter with all the ingredients needed to bake a cake. Dragon sighed and rolled up his sleeves. Who was he to deny his little brother quality time spent together?

"Okay, then Kuzan let's start. I'll follow your lead," Dragon grinned.

The child gave him a big grin and immediately instructed him to mix all the wet ingredients together. They worked in silence, but it wasn't long before Dragon realised that his brother was struggling to open a rather large bag of flour. He hurried to help the boy but was immediately rejected, as Kuzan was rather determined to open it himself. We watched worriedly, and what you thought happened did happen. Kuzan did manage to open the bag of flour, but it fell to the ground and covered the entire place with flour, which included their bodies.

Dragon had a sixth sense when his little brother was upset, and it was about to happen, but before silent crying could begin, he burst out laughing. The surrounding chefs whipped their heads to stare at him as Dragon laughed out loud, a sight that was near impossible to watch. After recovering from the shock of seeing the usually stoic man burst out laughing, Kuzan let out soft giggles. They continued on with their task, and soon the cake was in the oven that the chefs had previously preheated. They got on to the task of making the icing for the cake. Kuzan made the icing, and Dragon was in charge of mixing the colours in. They were going to draw a penguin on top of the cake, as it was Kuzan's favourite animal, and it was pretty on brand for him to like them.

It didn't take that long, and soon they sat atop the counters, waiting for the cake to rise. They were still covered in flour, and so Kuzan was drawing on Dragon's face, and he was just letting it happen no matter the odd looks he was constantly getting.

"So why do you want to bake a cake?" Dragon asked.

"It's my birthday," Kuzan casually said.

WHAT?!?!? He had no idea it was Kuzan's birthday. He would've gotten him presents and a party, and they would have had fun. His little brother deserved everything good on his special day. He was going to voice his surprise when Kuzan shushed him.

"It's been a great birthday already. You're spending time with me after all," Kuzan said, giving the toothiest of smiles.

Dragon became blind, and his insides turned into mush from how sweet and bright the smile was. He immediately pulled him into a hug, surprising little Kuzan, who let out a yelp. They hugged for a few moments before they were interrupted by a loud ding.

"Ew, you got flour all over me," Kuzan complained.

Dragon gave him a deadpan stare as they were both EQUALLY covered in flour. Kuzan gave him a cheeky grin before opening the oven door and sticking his bare hands into the hot oven. Dragon's heart nearly stopped from panic as who in the right mind stuck their bare hands into the oven and grabbed the hot metal tin with said bare hands?

"DON'T DO THAT!" Dragon yelled. "I don't care that you're made of ice or whatever!"

Kuzan gave him a sheepish smile before dropping the tin onto the counter. The cake rose rather well, and after a few breaths from Ice Boy, it was cool enough for them to decorate the cake. Kuzan smeared light blue icing over the whole cake, and Dragon was tasked with drawing the penguin.

"It looks... nice?" Kuzan said it with a tone that was anything but assuring. "It's cute!"

Dragon was simply embarrassed. His line work was wonky, and the penguin's eyes weren't any better. Kuzan gave his older brother a reassuring pat on the back, but then loud crashes were heard.

"WOAH CAKE! That's an ugly penguin, alright!" Garp exclaimed.

Dragon sighed. Of course his father was a bloodhound for any sweet treat; how did he even find out? Kuzan was excitedly telling Garp how they baked the cake, and Dragon couldn't help but be endeared at the sight, no matter how much he didn't appreciate the sight of his father at the moment. Garp made an attempt at the cake but was swiftly stopped by Dragon.

"You can have some, after we blow out the candles," Dragon ordered.

Garp reluctantly agreed, and so Dragon placed a singular candle and lit it.

"Happy Birthday, Kuzan."

The boy made a wish that their little family would always stay happy like this. He blew out the candle. Kuzan smiled at his family. His heart was content.


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