A Reaper's Blade - K:SJ 2024

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Apologies for the long wait. The cover art took a lot out of me.
It's all finished now, though, so here's the official Wattpad release of A Reaper's Blade, the prologue to Kirby: Soul Journey's 2024 rewrite!
(Forced to use my old page-break art, since there's no "horizontal line" option on here)

It's all finished now, though, so here's the official Wattpad release of A Reaper's Blade, the prologue to Kirby: Soul Journey's 2024 rewrite!(Forced to use my old page-break art, since there's no "horizontal line" option on here)

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Ethereal red wings shimmered in the winter afternoon sun, drifting in the skies above Dreamland with elegance.

The shape-shifted Grim Reaper searched across the breathtaking plains of the tropical Kingdom, trying to find the young saviour of the Stars; a teenage Astral by the name of Kirby. Even though he was but a child, he was still stunningly powerful — capable of defeating corrupt Gods with little more than the flick of his wrist, he was precisely what the Universe needed now.

Something's here, and it wishes to bring absolute destruction. It may as well be destruction itself.

The creature's energy was apparent to the Reaper, gnawing at their mind like a parasite leeching off their brain matter, tugging at their very soul like a Rogue Eater would.

Only something of Purity could possibly stand a chance against this... this thing, and not a single person here is purer than that child.

Kirby had outright killed Void Termina, when their predecessor had only sealed it. And hardly a week afterwards, he went on to purify its creator, the God of Creation themself, Void. They were more than fit for the job.

All he needs is the right tool to do it, and luckily, a friend of his somehow managed to replicate the Reaping Blade, Ares.

Familiar, iridescent pastel plumes soon made their appearance in Morpho's vision, giving away the location of the young Astral, taking an afternoon nap in the tree above their house.

Fluttering closer, the butterfly settled atop one of his horns, allowing themself entry into his mind.

Young one, it is time to wake. We have work to do.

Kirby grumbled at the intrusion, burying their face in their elbow in a futile attempt to silence the Reaper.

Morpho chuckled quietly in his thoughts. Yes, I understand you're tired, but please. You need to get up, for I have a task for you.

"Mrrph... what is it...?" they mumbled into their arm, accepting that they wouldn't be getting back to sleep. Morpho fluttered up and off of Kirby's horn, hovering momentarily by the tree before shifting into their Knight form.

"If I recall correctly, a Waddle Dee friend of yours living in the Forgotten Land created a replica of my Ares?" they spoke softly, their voice gentle and kind.

Kirby lifted his head away from his arm, blinking at the blood-orange Reaper floating idly beside him. "Yeah... I got some blueprint info after fighting you in Forgo Dreams. Weapons Dee managed to scrape together enough magic residue from the information itself to make me a copy of your sword. Kinda."

Kirby: Soul Journey 2024 - PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now