9. Money

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Clumzy: And then, I added you in the server as i was the admin so i can just pick a random invite link and give it to you

Fearless: Yeah ikr, like let me tell from my pov

Fearless POV:

Day 5:

Clumzy sent me an invite link of that server, first i was confused as why and how did he send me, i thought lets join the server and see, i was inside the server, the actual real server which clumzy paid 5k INR to join, i was there for free.

Yeah we both knew about this owner/youtuber, and we both wanted to join.

But i couldn't, cuz at that time i wasn't earning, however clumzy was and he went inside the server

But I didn't expect that I'd be getting to join the server too
(without even paying)

I asked Clumzy, "What to do next now?"

I was somewhat scared too as I didn't pay to join the server

Clumzy said "Go talk with people, make allies/friends. that's it."

I joined the vc and saying I am new in the server, etc etc what a new member would've said

Some members including Vaibhav were saying how i got scammed by the owner and my money got wasted

It was funny lol, and you know the reason why

However, i was pretending that "Oh did i get scammed, oh no :("

exaggerating things and creating a drama again, I didn't want to create a drama at my first day. but clumzy is admin so i didn't need to worry also he was in the vc listening to all of these.

Another Chaos... you can say happened that day

Clumzy then told vaibhav to invite me in their private server as i was a guy "who got scammed by the owner"

And Vaibhav did added me in the server, I and Clumzy had to act like strangers.

Which worked, no one suspected that we both knew each other before joining this server.

Now Clumzy was more invested in the 2nd server he did the following:

- Asked Vaibhav and Rahul to add more members.
- He Transferred the server ownership to Vaibhav and left the server.
- Joined from his Varun alt.
- Revealed that Varun is him only to Vaibhav
- Also told Vaibhav not to reveal it to anyone else
- When Vaibhav asked the reason, he said "If someone saw that Clumzy is owner/admin of 2nd server, they could report it to the owner of the cult server, and Clumzy could be removed as an admin.

To which Vaibhav asked: Then why reveal it to me?

Clumzy: Because out of all these members in this cult, you are the only one i can trust the most.

Vaibhav: Yeah i see, but if they saw me as an owner of this server they could report me too, and I'll get kicked/banned from the server

Clumzy: Don't worry,

1. That server won't get you anywhere, we will earn Money from this server

2. If you get banned or kicked, I'll just add you from alt account.


And btw Clumzy didn't reveal his Neuzfan account still and he is in the 2nd server from that account.

So there were like 20 people, yeah :/

They all were talking in vc of the second server about how would they earn money etc etc...

Varun(Clumzy) was explaining Vaibhav the whole plan

Vaibhav then joined vc and explained them (members) the whole plan

So Now let me explain you in easy words

- Clumzy gonna join freelancing discord servers (Non Indian)
- The people who are looking for freelancers post their work, requirements and how much they gonna pay the freelancers for it, they mention it there
- Clumzy gonna join other freelancing servers (Indian) where there are freelancers who ain't getting clients

And it goes like this:

- There is a guy who wants a video editor
(he's willing to pay 200 US Dollar)

200 US Dollar converted in
INR is 16,730/-

- Then he will go to an Indian freelancer, he will pay the freelancer 9k-10k INR for the edit

Let's suppose Clumzy paid 10k to the editor


Which is the amount clumzy got left with, it's his now.

This may sound easy, but it's quite difficult

So to make it easy, he needed different people with different skills

like if some of the freelancers could just get replaced by one or two members of their own server


out of 20 people in his server 5-7 people would just go to these servers and take the client to clumzy,

If it's in chat, clumzy would negotiate and everything with the client

but if it's in VC he would let Vaibhav do it

Now how is the amount getting splitted with the members,

firstly out of 20 people only a 10 would be selected for this

and each of them would get a seperate niche.

like 1 guy would just focus on vid editing clients

2nd guy in web development

3rd guy in graphic design

etc etc

what about the 10 guys who didn't get selected?

Clumzy would drop stuffs on how to earn money just like the owner of the cult does,

To teach them some skills, and later on let them work in this agency or maybe if they want to work alone they can, he won't ask for anything.

And Clumzy told Vaibhav not to explain them the whole plan, or else they would just start their own agency and wont work for us.

I was spectating this.

But something even better happened,

The cult server was getting dead, people were now even blaming clumzy that hes a bad admin, not telling the owner to improve server etc etc...

Clumzy from Varun id was guiding vaibhav while vaibhav totally forgot about the cult server

But Clumzy was getting hated as he wasn't focusing on cult server, and they were saying making clumzy an admin was a bad idea

Now I'd like for clumzy to continue.
To be continued....

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