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ode to the slytherins.

the slytherin team came in the pitch, with their green and silver quidditch uniforms. the rest who didn't play, stood in the stands.

"what's that weasley's riding?'" draco called in his sneering drawl. "why would anyone put a flying charm on a mouldy old log like that?"

the slytherins roared with laughter as ron mounted his broom and kicked off from the ground.

"theo!" shrieked victoria, madison glanced at her as the girl excitedly waved her arm at him. theo just smiled slightly and looked away quickly. eventually, the gryffindors came to a stop when katie bell's nose started bleeding and they had to call off practice, which means, the slytherin team has the pitch now.

after an hour of practice, the girls including enzo walked down from the stands to talk to the boys. unfortunately, that included victoria.

"theo! you did so good!"

"thanks, victoria." theo mumbled, wiping all of his sweat. "you know, you'd make a great seeker! but you're perfect as a chaser."

"thanks. if you excuse me, i need to go change." theo walked past her and went to the changing rooms where the boys were, enzo had entered too.

"isn't he just so amazing?!" victoria gushed to the three girls who were silently judging her the whole time. "are you guys..close?"

"yes! we talk." she smiled innocently.

"you guys talked because he's your tutor." pansy said in an incredulous tone. victoria's presence alone ticked madison off, she didn't know why. because she never had felt this way before.

"isn't great? i've been admiring teddy since last year! you know, i really thought he was dating madison." madison stayed quiet, until she came to a realization. teddy? no fucking way.

"where did you hear that from?" madison asked

"hm?" victoria turned to her.

"teddy. where did you hear it." she firmly repeated, narrowing her eyes at the girl.

"oh, i just came up with—"


"what do you mean, no?"

"theo doesn't like to be called teddy." madison says, crossing her arms. daphne and pansy shared a knowing look together.

"oh, but he says—"

"i don't care what he says. no one's allowed to call him that except me. you're just a student that theo's been tutoring, all right? you're nothing more than that." madison didn't know why, but hearing another girl call theo 'teddy' enraged her. she knew the nickname was special to theo, because his mother used to call him that, and theo clearly said madison was the only person to call him that besides her mother.

"why are you so mad? teddy is just a nickname!"

"teddy is not just a nickname!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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