Part 2

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In Adventure Bay...

With Kyle...

Right now, Kyle is just going for a drive in his one of his toy cars called the RD-08.

Kyle FKZF: Ugh, this window is too thin to see through. I guess I shoulda just chose a different car.

As approaching the Pup Park, something shook the toy car.

Kyle FKZF: Huh?

Then, the car was lifted off the ground.


Then, something opened the toy car's driver side door, it was Sweetie's pup-pack claw.

Kyle FKZF: Sweetie!

Sweetie: Gotcha now, Ky!

Sweetie then licks Kyle up outta the toy car.

Kyle FKZF: Aaaahhhhhh!

Sweetie then ate Kyle and lets go of the toy car.

Sweetie: Mm! MmmMmmmm...

Sweetie then gulps Kyle down into her belly.

Kyle FKZF: Oh no, not again.

Sweetie's belly started softly growling.

Sweetie: (Rubs her paw on her stomach) Love the taste of the VGG.

While distracted from her soft growling belly, Ella came out of nowhere and tackled Sweetie.

Ella: Where's my best friend?!


Ella: Barf him up, Sweetie!

Sweetie: No. (In a teasing tone)

Ella: Dang it, Sweetie! This isn't funny!

Sweetie: You want him? Come get him!

Sweetie pushes Ella off of her, then ran down to the beach.

Ella: Hey! Where do you think you're going?!

Ella chases after Sweetie.

Sweetie: C'mon Ella!

Sweetie steps into the water.

Sweetie: Try and swim after me!

Sweetie then takes off swimming.

Ella: Aw are you kidding me? Guess I'll have to swim after her if I want to save my best friend.

Ella steps into the water and swam after Sweetie.

Sweetie: I don't care if my gear is soaked, I'm only doing this so I can have Kyle as my new BF.

But then, Sweetie was tired and so she stopped to rest while in the water.

Sweetie: (Panting) I'm not made for this.

But then, Sweetie felt movement in her mouth.

Sweetie: Mm?!

Then, Kyle stook half his body out of Sweetie's mouth.

Kyle FKZF: What're you playing at, Sweetie? I'm outta here.

Then as Kyle got the rest of himself out of Sweetie's mouth, he fell into the water.

Sweetie: Kyle NO!

Ella caught up with Sweetie.

Ella: Where's Kyle?!

Sweetie: He's sinking underwater! You have to save him!

Ella: (Gasp) Oh no!

Ella dove underwater and she ate Kyle and arose to the surface and swam back to the beach, Sweetie followed.

After they got out of the water, the 2 pups shook themselves dry and Ella spits out Kyle and a mouthful of water, then Ella pushes his Size Button and he grew back to his normal size.

Sweetie: Is he okay?

Ella then puts her ear on Kyle's chest, but didn't feel anything.

Ella: He's not breathing! (Panicking)

Sweetie: Quick! Do something!

Ella knew what she had to do to save Kyle, she applied CPR. After 10 chest compressions and 14 blows into his mouth, Kyle woke up and coughed up all the water he swallowed.

Kyle FKZF: (Moan) Ella? Sweetie?

Ella: We're glad you're okay, Ky.



Sweetie: Hey Ky?

Kyle FKZF: Yes, Sweetie?

Sweetie: I've changed my ways. Ella, you can keep Kyle, you deserve him as a best friend. In other words, If I kept on kidnapping him and take him across places, I'm just gonna put him in danger.

Ella: Smart thinking, Sweetie.

Kyle FKZF: Yeah. Smart thinking.

Ella and Sweetie both gave Kyle some licks in the face.

What'd you think of this Part??

The End.

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