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July 17th 2023:

"Don't worry family, I found her!" Lorenzo walks into Chanel and Arthur's flat with the girl following behind him. "Chanel, you had me worried sick, I almost filed a missing persons report." Arthur lets out a sigh of relief, rushing to the black-haired girl and wrapping her up in a hug. "I had to stop him." Valerie shakes her head. "You're freezing cold," Arthur says, as he lets go of her. "Am I?" The girl asks as she sniffles. "See and that is a cold coming on." Delilah scoffs, taking her jacket off and putting it around her niece. "You can make me some soup then." Chanel smiles at the older girl.

"Where were you?" Pascale wonders, walking to the girl she sees as a daughter. "I just had to clear my head. I had a little nap on the sofa before leaving early this morning." The nineteen-year-old regrets lying, but she doesn't want anyone to know where she actually was. "Okay, just as long as you are safe and answer your phone next time, that is exactly why you have one." Charles points at the girl. "Nel!" Valerie's son Jules runs you her and tugs on her leg. "Hello, baby boy." The girl smiles and sits on the floor, hugging him.

Charles and Kameron's daughter then runs and jumps on the girl. "And Adeline." Chanel kissed the girl's cheek, making her laugh. "I might start a babysitting business, I'll babysit Diana's kids, Julia's, Amber's and Jolene's. And obviously these two lovelies." Chanel says. "Chan, that will be like ten kids." Delilah scoffs. "Yeah, Art can help me." Chanel points to the Formula Two racer, making him shake my head. "I don't agree with this." His mouth drops open.

"You do, because I said so." Chanel turns her head to smile at him. "The first weekend of August, me and Arthur are babysitting the kids, let the girls know." Chanel looks at Valerie. "I'm already on it." The blonde nods, typing on her phone. "I will help," Pascale speaks up. "Yes, we would love to have you over. Wouldn't we Art." The girl looks at the boy, making him nod. "Yes, it would be lovely, Maman." Arthur nods. "Great then it's settled, Nel and Art babysitting service." The girl laughs.

"Wait are we staying here with the others?" Jules gasps, jumping up. "That's if you're Maman says yes," Chanel tells him. "Maman." The boy runs to his mum. "Only if you promise to be good." She points at him. "I'm always good." The eight-year-old sighs. "Oh yeah, and Jules!" Chanel shouts the boy's name as she stands up with a three-year-old Adeline in her arms. "Chanel!" The boy shouts back. "Happy birthday twin." She smiles, quickly walking to the kitchen and walking out with a bag.

"I thought you forgot." He smiles brightly, dropping the the floor and ripping the bag open. "I could never forget my favourite boy's birthday." She tells him. The girl turns around when she hears a loud gasp. "I thought I was your favourite boy?" Arthur asks. "Art, no one comes before my little bro. You are my third." She waves him off. "Your third? That is so rude." The drover gasps. "It's just because you're not better than me." Jules sticks his tongue out at his uncle. "Or Uncle Charlie." The boy adds, making Charles laugh. "Guess we know who's the favourite uncle is." Lorenzo rolls his eyes.

"Yes! I love it, thank you, Chanel." Jules holds his remote-controlled Ferrari before putting it on the floor running to the girl and hugging her. "You're welcome, Jules." She leaned down and kissed the top of his head. "Now where are my presents guys, I've been waiting." Chanel looks at the people she calls family. "Me and Maman first!" Jules puts his hand in the air, before running to the table picking up a box of it and bringing it the the girl. "Do you want to help me open it?" Chanel smiles.

The boy rapidly nods his head as he nicely unwraps the present along with the girl he sees as a sister. "What is this?" Chanel wonders as she only sees a quarter of the gift. "It's a picture," Jules says. "Jules, don't tell her, it's a surprise." Valerie laughs as she films on her phone. "Sorry Maman, I'm just excited." He says. Chanel rips the rest of the wrapping paper, gasping as tears automatically spring to her eyes when she sees what it is. In front of her was a highly realistic painted picture of her favourite picture he had with her dad. "You didn't." She cries, looking at the blonde who wipes a tear from her eye.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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