Chapter One

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Wind in your fur, paws slamming the dirt, snout sniffing the deer, the mice, the raccoons; that's what I long for everyday. That's all I've ever wanted for my 22 years of life. I waited ten whole years for my transformation and it never came. I watched my friends all find out their fur color, whether it matched their hair color or not, find out how big they would be in their wolf size, and how fast their paws would take them.

I never knew my life would turn out this way. That I would be the broken wolf that people hope they aren't like. That people turn in for entertainment.

I never knew I would be the wolf running for her life every couple of years to prevent herself from getting caught and turned in. I've seen it happen at my old pack. He was only 14-years-old when they found out and I can still hear that day every time I close my eyes. The whips from the Alpha that decided torture was better than turning him into the Elders.

Sure, he got demoted for that bullshit, but it doesn't mean that boy's body didn't suffer from his actions.

"I know you're sad," Mom says to me, pulling me out of my thoughts and forcing me to turn back to her. "but we have to keep you safe, honey. I know you loved Night Valley and your friends there, but they were-"

"Starting to get suspicious, I know, Mom," I whisper back. "Elena was definitely getting way too curious for my liking, too."

"What can I do?" She asks me, intertwining her hand with mine and giving me that soft smile that always makes me feel better.

"Just let me get used to this. It takes me a bit to adjust to each pack, so-"

"I know. Let's just focus on setting up your room to your liking and-"

"What's the point?" I blurt out before I can think better of it.

She clears her throat before turning to look at me. Suddenly, her whole body turns to me and she gives me a sad smile. "The point is that your dad fought so hard to keep pack life alive in the Packrising to protect us from the humans that I can't imagine ever abandoning his mindset."

"Mom," I start.

"Not now," she says with a crease between her brows. She takes a second to breathe in before turning back to me with a smile. "let's figure out this house."

We spend the next few hours unpacking before we're summoned. It's not like it sounds where some chime is heard above our heads and we know exactly where to go. It's more like 2 mysterious guys show up at our front door in all black with their hands behind their backs, which usually means we're being summoned to talk to a pack official or an Elder.

My mom freezes when she opens the door, her hand gripping the frame until it turns a pale white color. It takes her a second to regain her bearings.

Is this it? Is this where we get caught? At the fucking start of our new life in the Golden Band Pack? Who could've possibly turned us in?

"Mrs. and Ms. Daughtry, pleasure to meet you. We hope your move has been successful and all is well. I am Chandler, Beta of the Golden Band Pack," the guy in the black button-up shirt and black jeans tells us with a kind smile. I almost relax, but I know better. This could be a trap.

She hesitates. "Nice to meet you as well. May I ask what this is regarding?"

"Oh, I didn't mean to startle you. I thought May would've mentioned that we would be reaching out. I apologize for springing this on you, but we scheduled a meeting for you two with Alpha Theodore for this afternoon and we wanted to see if you were ready."

"Meeting for what?" Mom blurts out.

You're looking a little too scared there, Mom. I reach out and settle my hand on her shoulder to calm her. To seem normal, I saddle up to her and bump my hip with hers and give them a pretty smile. Maybe they won't notice how weird she's acting.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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