The return..

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-After the end of the moon revolution...the moons finally returned to their planets after listening to the Earth's speech...and they were able to talk to their planets and solve all the problems...The planets apologized to them and promised them that they would become better...things finally returned to normal, and the Earth learned from his mistakes and changed for the better...and apologized to his friends, and they all also apologized and improved their relationship...

-And there was this beautiful gray orb that bore witness to everything from the beginning...and he saw his planet change from that narcissistic and arrogant a better and humble person...he was very happy with the change and of course he loved it...the Earth began to spend more time with him and began to treat him better and more kindly..And taking into account...isn't it nice to see your favorite person change for the better, right?..

-Day by day their relationship was improving radically and very clearly... They talked a lot together, did things together and supported each other... They became closer to each other than they had been in the very ancient past... Earth realized that his moon was not boring or naive. ..It was really fun to spend time with him...and he was wondering why he hadn't tried to give his moon a chance before?...even just once.. ?..He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn't listen to that little orb...!..

-The Earth came back to reality from the moon's loud voice and he was a little panicked by the moon calling him like that...

Earth:..what!..what!..what happened..!

-The Earth looked at his moon, who was sitting near him, with worry on his face..,He was a little surprised that his moon was so close to him because he was not used to this...

Moon:..are you okay..?

Earth:..what do you mean..? everything alright..?

Moon:.. I've been calling you for a long time and you haven't answered me...

-The Earth realized that he was so engrossed in his thoughts that he did not listen to him... He then spoke in a soothing voice, trying to calm the Moon's anxiety...

Earth:..oh..don't worry..I was just busy with some thoughts...

Moon:..some thoughts..?

-The moon spoke in a tone that he didn't like what the earth said to him...

Earth:..Oh..oh..don't's not what you think..

Moon:..So what were you thinking about..?

-The Earth felt nervous and somewhat ashamed and tried to find a suitable excuse...

Earth:..uhh..I..I..I was thinking about...Astrudude!.. I haven't seen him for a while, you know...haha..

-The Moon's expression softened as he seemed to believe the Earth's excuse. He thought for a moment and then said questioningly...

Moon:..Well..I haven't seen him for a while either..I wonder if he's okay...

Earth:.. Don't worry!..Astrudude is amazing and can survive under any conditions!

-The moon smiled a little sweetly, he was still a little worried, but also comforted by Earth's words...'re right..

(..Astrudude is frozen on titan's surface until this moment lol)

Moon:..So.. I haven't seen you with your friends for a while...This is strange, why aren't you with them..?

Earth:.. Well, the sun is still angry because we were out of our orbits for so long... and also..." He looked down, smiling gently and his voice became calmer,"I like spending time with you so it's not a big deal..

-Moon's eyes widened in a kind of astonishment and disbelief at first, but soon his facial features became calm and gentle and he smiled in gratitude...

Moon:..really..? like spending time with me..?

Earth:..The Earth smiled at him calmly, "...yes very much...and...I'm sorry that I...was not paying attention to you before...but now I will do anything to make up for the past years...

-The moon kept looking at him silently and then he lowered his head slightly until his hair covered his eyes. He stayed like that for several long seconds and the earth became worried about him and asked him in a calm voice, "...Moon?...What's wrong..?" Suddenly, the moon raised its head, tears covering its eyes, and spoke in a shaky voice while smiling...

Moon:..T-This is very nice of one has ever said this to me before..c-can I hug you..?

-The Earth was very sympathetic to him until he heard the last part and got a bit nervous and tried to move away a little..

Earth:..I ..I don't think so..M-Maybe later..haha

Moon:..oh come on..let me hug youu

-The moon seemed to be approaching him and the earth was terrified by this..

Earth:..h-hey..don't approach me!..

-The moon did not listen to him and continued his approach to him, and the earth continued to move away from him, until the moon sped up and forced the earth to quickly flee for the sake of his small inhabitants...

-.. The moon was overcome by emotion, and he forgot about earthlings , and their day became a matter of chasing him in the Earth's orbit...-


I hope it will be a good and nice start😭
(The last part is stolen from the series because I love this part😭😭)

I receive ideas and advice that will help me a lot!

Sorry if there are spelling errors or anything like that..

I hope you enjoyed this simple thing and I am trying to make the story better and more beautiful in every way..

thanks for your time!

Have a nice day, byee!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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