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No one's POV -

It was early in the morning. The alarm went off after ringing for the fourth time.

Seungmin groaned as he pulled himself from his bed. He groaned more when he remembered that today is the start of week and he has morning class.

He lives in a relatively small house. It is a two storeyed house, with two bedrooms, one guestroom, a dining, lounge and kitchen. It is small but cozy.

Seungmin's parents died two years ago when he was a senior in highschool. After his parents died, he had to work to continue his study. He had a dream which he was determined to accomplish.

To keep his study continue, he took part time job in two/three places. At first his only friend Jisung offered him help but he rejected it.

He doesn't like to be pitied. Jisung pitied him or he thought so.

Later he found a more suitable job so he left other jobs. He had enough pay from that one, so he decided to do only that one and focus on his study.

He freshened up and got down. It was early 7. He made some coffee, and sandwich.

He peacefully ate his breakfast and started getting ready. He left his house at sharp 8.

His classes start at 10. So he decided to walk instead of taking bus and enjoy the beauty of the morning.

The walk was silent and peaceful.

When passing across a park, he saw a child sitting on a bench all alone.

He got curious about why a little child was sitting in this early morning all alone.

So he decided to go to him.

"Hey there, you little dude. What are you doing?" Seungmin asked sitting beside the child.

"Nothing. Who are you by the way? Why are talking to me? Do you wanna kidnap me?"

Seungmin was really surprised at these sudden questions thrown by the child.

"Sorry, but I think you got me wrong. I saw you sitting here all alone so I got curious. Where are your parents? Won't they be concerned if they don't find you?"

"No one loves me. I'm all alone. They won't care. Besides I live near."

"Okay, don't be sad. Take this. And go back to your home. Don't stay outside all alone okay?"

Seungmin gave him a little puppy key chain and left after watching he was running out of time.

The child couldn't even say anything to him.

Thank you. He thought to himself and went to his home.

Upon reaching home:

"Where were you Minmin? You know how much scared I got when I couldn't find you?"

The child just nodded.

"Who gave you the keychain? Did he asked you something? Did he do something bad to you?"

The child shaked his head.

"Noo, he was a kind uncle. I was feeling sad and alone, so I went to the park. I met him there. He gave this and told me to go back home. He was a nice guy, dad"

"Did you got panick or felt any awkward?"

The child just shook his head.

He was surprised.

"Okay, then. But promise me you will never leave without telling me. Okay?"

The child just nodded.

"Good boy. Let's go. And today we have a dinner party tonight. Do you wanna go there with me?"

The child just nodded.

He was neither happy nor sad.

A/n: first chapter. 😁

I hope you guys already understand that the child is our cute character Minmin and the 'Dad' is none other than Minho.

This was a short chapter. But the next one will be longer and Minho and Seungmin will have there first interaction.

A little spoiler 😉

Anyway love y'all ❤️



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