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I focused on not falling from Ren's back as we traversed back to our home. Seeing double, I gripped his fur tightly in my fists, frustrated at not being strong enough to walk myself. I was angry, I was in pain, and worst of all, I was thirsty again.

Sighing inwardly, I tried to relax and looked at the night sky, illuminated with thousands of pinpricks of light. I couldn't help but worry. Something wasn't right. I could feel it; some internal force was acting against my aura but I couldn't place where it came from. It annoyed the hell out of me and I wasn't about to deal with it without figuring out what it was.

Alex laughed loudly, interrupting my thoughts. "Well, I don't know about you guys, but I think that was the most eventful hunt to date! We should make a book of the crazy stuff you do, Adi. The elders would appreciate that." she winked at me and raked her bloody fingers through her hair. "Although I'm not sure if your kitten would like that."

Ren sniffed, annoyed, and swiped at Alex, who dodged playfully. Adira, would you kindly tell your friend to refrain from degrading me? He was genuinely offended. A kitten? Please. I've eaten humans tougher than her.

I snickered, my mood lightened, and passed the word onto Alex, who was indignant at the comparison to humans. In a rare moment, she was at a loss for a comeback. Recovering her dignity, she showed her canines and flicked Ren's ear jokingly. "Whatever, kitty."

That girl is something else. Ren's annoyance was clear in the message he sent telepathically.

I scratched him between the ears with my good arm and, trying to cheer myself up as well, sent him a mental picture of the time when Alex fell from her horse into a mud puddle. He let out a rasping cough, the equilivent of laughter, and I joined in. Alex never lived that down, and she never would.

Alex turned around and looked at us questioningly. "What's so funny? Do I have blood on my face?"

Holding back a smile, I answered in a serious tone, "No. It's the blood loss getting to me."

She rolled her eyes, knowing the real cause of Ren's brightened mood. "You've always been a terrible liar, Adi." Snapping a branch from a nearby tree, she pointed the end at me. "I'm still up for the book of all your fails, by the way."

I showed my teeth and didn't answer. I was tired of messing around, and was sick with a strange feeling. We returned to the village in a comfortable silence.

We went up to the front of the small village which was just a collection of small huts and stables leaning against the dark trees. Alex entered first, pushing the wooden gates aside to allow us to pass through. Everyone was awake and outside it seemed, and we were greeted by several of our people.

Peter, a young vampire, ran up and helped me off of Ren's back, being careful with my injured shoulder, which was now caked with blood. "Adira! What happened?"

I leaned against him and let him help me to the healer's hut. "It found us." I muttered. I closed my eyes against the refreshed pain awakened by my movement.

  Alex ran to the head Nobles and elders and explained to him what happened, and Ren sat next to me, licking his paws.

I stared at the floor and the healer's words fell on deaf ears as she bandaged my shoulder. When she had finished, she left and the tribe elders and Nobles came in and sat across from me.

"How are you doing, Adira?" An ancient vampire with kind blue eyes asked me.

"Just fine, thank you. If you'll excuse me, I have to rest if I plan on hunting tomorrow." I dismissed them. I didn't want to talk, especially not to them.

She wasn't getting the hint. "There's something we have to discuss with you. Something that cannot wait."

I looked up, a warning in my eyes. "I'm sure it can wait until tomorrow."

"Even you cannot dismiss the importance of this. Do not underestimate the significance of what has happened tonight."

I knew she was right, but I didn't want to hear it. "Get on with it, then." Ren swished his tail against my hand, calming me.

She exchanged a glance with her companions. "As you know, Ashkins are not like us."

"No shit."

Ignoring me, she continued. "They gain their special powers and characteristics from the greatest evil they commit. Drinking the blood of vampires. They were, at one time, like us. Vampires and Vampire Nobles. But they were blinded by the need for power; they turned on their people and drained a vampire's blood and life force. A crime punishable by death. The green blood they posess is a reminder of the taint that flows through their veins."

I was getting even more impatient. "What does this have to do with me?"

She smiled sadly and patted my hand. "I'm getting to that. Now, the normal formation of an Ashkin depends on that. They are formed by the ambition of normal vampires. But there is another way they are created. Vampire Nobles can be Turned against their will."

Looking up, my eyes darkened with worry. "What does this have to do with me?"

"A Vampire Noble who is attacked and wounded by an Ashkin is infected with its Power." Pity reflected in her eyes as she verbalized the shattering news.

My world collapsed.

"In other words, you are doomed."

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