Chapter Three

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Tempest didn't leave her bed until late morning the next day, having spent most of the morning sleeping and the later hours reading up on some of the books that newer members of the Vault had gifted her with upon their arrival.

The letter from the Imperials still sat unopened on her desk, and it continued to do so as Tempest went around and dressed for the day in one of her favourite pairs of soft trousers and a shirt ripped from sword fighting ventures in her past, her feet still bare as she padded around her room, snacking on the breakfast brought to her by cooks a few hours ago, grilled sausages and fresh fruit grown in the farms, heavy bread with butter and honey, and fresh water.

She had already bathed, having soaked in the bath for an hour the previous night before crashing in her towering bed of blankets and furs, and passed out.

Tempest glanced down at the letter sitting on her desk, her eyes narrowed as if she was waiting for it to attack her, which she hadn't completely ruled out. The Imperials had tried all sorts of different methods of kill her, including poisoning the parchment of a letter with enough toxins to stop her heart. Luckily, the poison had been detected by Smoth, a Hellion with a keen sense of smell and a distinct interest in botany, and she had insisted that the parchment was poisoned.

But the messenger, John Smith, had touched the parchment, and so had Wixar and Mac, and as far as she knew neither of them had had a reaction. It couldn't be poisoned. It was just a letter.

So Tempest took up the parchment and tore it open, making sure to keep the seal intact as she unfolded the letter and began to read it through.

To the Lady of the Vault,

The Emperor hopes this letter finds you well.

This is an official invitation to attend a King's meeting with the Emperor in the Kings Court at the Borealis. This meeting is of the utmost importance, and the Emperor wishes to gather all the leaders of the Overworld to discuss.

Please show this letter to the guards at the gate of the palace, and a room will be ready for you and the associates you bring with you.

And note that this is a meeting of peace and good intentions, if you are found to harm another attendee, you will be put under arrest on accounts of treason. If you encounter any person that makes you feel unsafe, or you have any reason to suspect someone of treason, please feel free to tell one of the guards.

We hope to see you at the Borealis on the fifteenth day of Spring.

With regards, Advisor Williams.

"So Advisor Williams is still around." Tempest mused to herself as she reread the letter, her eyes lagging over the title at the beginning. "Lady." She couldn't pretend that she didn't feel contempt rising up like bile in her throat at the word, despite all of her protests to Mac and her Circle about them calling her "Queen", the title Lady gave her the chills.

"The Emperor hopes this letter finds you well." Tempest almost laughed at the sentiment. She was positive that the Emperor had no clue who she was, or what she did. She could only imagine his face when they saw each other.

She paused where she stood, letting her body sink to the edge of her bed as she held the slightly crumpled letter in her hands. She ran her tongue over her teeth as she thought, her stomach turning bitterly. They'll be seeing each other a little sooner than she expected.

Though, admittedly, Tempest had never truly expected to see the Emperor again. She had come to term with that fact and was more than happy to sit peacefully in the Vault and never see the man again.

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