Chapter 13- Were coming

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The morning sun cast a golden glow over Hogwarts as Y/n and her friends gathered in the common room, their resolve steeled for the journey ahead. As they prepared to set out in search of Draco, an unfamiliar owl swooped through the window, bearing a letter in its talons.

Pansy approached the window with cautious curiosity, untying the letter from the owl's leg and reading its contents aloud to the group.

"It's from Draco," she announced, her voice tinged with surprise. "He says he doesn't know where he's going exactly, but he's heading to South America."

Y/n's heart sank at the news, her mind racing with worry for Draco's safety. But there was no time to dwell on their fears; they had a friend to find, and they were determined to bring him home.

As they gathered their belongings and prepared to depart, Y/n felt a surge of determination coursing through her veins. With Draco's letter as their guide, they set out into the unknown, their hearts united in a common purpose.

Meanwhile, thousands of miles away, Draco found himself navigating unfamiliar terrain as he ventured deeper into the heart of South America. With each turn the driver took, he felt the weight of his situation bearing down on him, uncertainty gnawing at his insides.

As the days turned into weeks, Draco began to feel the loneliness creeping in, a constant reminder of the friends he had left behind. He missed their laughter, their camaraderie, their unwavering support in times of need.

Yet amidst the solitude, Draco found solace in the beauty of his surroundings, the lush jungles and towering mountains serving as a stark contrast to the rigid structure of life at Hogwarts. Each day brought with it new adventures and challenges, reminding Draco of the strength and resilience he possessed.

Back at Hogwarts, Y/n and her friends prepared to embark on their mission to find Draco, the tension in the air was palpable. They gathered in the Gryffindor common room, their faces etched with determination as they finalized their plans for the journey ahead.

Pansy, Blaise, Theo, Daphne, Vincent, Gregory, and Heather stood in a tight circle, their voices low as they discussed their next steps. Y/n paced back and forth, her mind racing with worry for Draco and anticipation for the journey ahead.

"We need to be prepared for anything," Pansy declared, her tone resolute as she surveyed the group. "We can't afford to let our guard down, not when Draco's life is on the line."

The others nodded in agreement, their expressions mirroring Pansy's determination. They knew that they were facing unknown dangers, but they were willing to do whatever it took to bring Draco home safely.

"We leave immediately," Y/n declared, her voice filled with determination. "We can't waste any more time. Draco needs us, and we won't let him down."

The others nodded in agreement, their resolve solidified by Y/n's words. They quickly gathered their belongings and prepared to set out on their journey, their hearts heavy with worry for their friend but hopeful for the reunion that awaited them.

As they left Hogwarts behind and ventured into the unknown, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling that their lives were about to change forever. But with her friends by her side and Draco's letter as their guide, she knew that they would find him, no matter what challenges they faced along the way.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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