Chapter 3: Murder, Surfing, and Blondes

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Estella's POV

"Ollie, give me back my shoe!" I yelled as I tried my best to run after him.

"Not until you admit that I beat you at a game of chess." he said.

"Okay see, this is just mean. Stealing from someone who has a bad leg."

"Oliver just give Estella her shoe back." Grace said.

"Is no one else going to mention the fact that he said he beat her at chess." Rigsby said.

"Listen I had like 4 Antiverts before that by accident and I was literally about to fall asleep by standing up. It was completely unfair." I said.

"How do you accidentally take 4 Antiverts?" Lisbon asked.

"I forgot if I had taken 2 already."

"More importantly why and how did u take them?" Dad asked.

"I found it in the medicine cabinets and my motion sickness was off the charts and I felt like I was going to die if I didn't take anything."

"And this is why I tell you not to read in the car."

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway do we have anything new?" I asked.

"There was a body found in the beach bathroom. Some girl a part of the surfing competition." Cho said.

"Oh, I was going to join the competition." I said.

"You surf?!" Ollie said surprised.

"You've been to my house millions of times, how have you not seen my surf boards?" I asked.

"Because I don't pay attention to that sort of stuff." 

A/n: Fun fact about me, I surf and Bethany Hamilton is one of my idols

"So how did she die?"

"I think we'll find out when we get there." Cho replied.

"Can I go home 1st?"

"Why?" Ollie asked.

"Lucy, you can't surf with your leg like that." Dad said.

"I'll be fine." I replied, "PLEEEEEEEEEEASE!!!!"

Dad sighed, "Fine, but if you hurt yourself, its your fault.


"Okay, 1st stop Jane's house then the beach." Lisbon said.

"Wait, what about me?" Ollie asked.

"Are you serious?" Grace said.

"I mean, I'm with the kid, I used to surf too. I wouldn't mind getting my suit." Rigsby said.

"We're going there for work, not for fun." Grace said.

"It's fine, we'll go to your house 1st, then Jane's, then the beach." Lisbon said.

Time skip to the beach

Estella's suit & board

Estella's suit & board

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