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Like most nights in London, England It was raining and only a few cars could be seen on the road sitting at the traffic-like lights waiting for the light to turn red was a black Ford Mustang you could see a beautiful young woman in her early twenty's with dark hair and blue eyes in the driver seat, gripping at her steering wheel as she did her best to drive safely on these slippery roads.

The thought crossed her mind to just walk the rest of the way home as it was only 15 minutes away but there wasn't anywhere for her to pull over and at the moment all she wanted to get back where her fiancé was waiting for her. She had tried to call him to tell him that you would be running late but his phone was going straight to voicemail.

You could notice the severe anxiety about being behind the wheel written across her face after the accident she was in when she was younger and never seemed to disappear giving her fear of driving at night, but she reminded herself that she would be home soon she would be safe and in the arms of the man she loved. Coming back to reality she hears her car alert her of an incoming call from her future brother-in-law who was calling her, Looking down with a small smile on her face she presses the green answer button on her steering wheel.

"Sophia, where are you? Why are you talking so quietly?" Sam shouted as he could barely hear you on his end, laughing hearing the music in the background gave her a big clue that he was somewhere he shouldn't be, shaking her head she responded"'Well hello to you too Sam, I'm on my way. It's raining pretty bad where I'm at. Is Jason with you? I tried calling earlier but he didn't answer." she tried to calm her voice down but she noticed that she was now shaking with anxiety as she tried to see through the rain and fog.

Hearing how terrified she was Sam could hear the anxiety in her voice as he was already putting on his jacket and shouting to whoever he was with that he was leaving. He wondered why you hadn't called him to come pick you up from your parent's house.

She had gone to visit them over the weekend but sadly Jason couldn't go with her as he had meetings he couldn't miss as he was now the New CEO of his families company and couldn't get the time off work, everyone knew that you had crippling anxiety your parents had even offered her to stay home until the weather had improved but she just wanted to get back home.

"Sophia, is there anywhere you can safely pull over? I'm coming to pick you up. You shouldn't be driving in this kind of weather, Jason is speaking with our father at the moment ." he said as she could he the concern in his voice.

Lost in her thoughts trying to look thew her fogged-up windows to see if there was anywhere she could park until he turned up, she didn't seem to have noticed the car on the opposite side of the road driving right at her at full speed, just at the last moment she turned her head just to be blinded by the headlight before the other car mad impacted into hers.

All she could make out was the muffled sound of her future brother-in-law shouting her name and asking if she was okay as her body slowly started to shut she noticed her eyelids started to feel a lot heavier than normal as well as being harder to keep them open before taking her last breath she rasped out "Tell your brother not to blame himself and that he was the best thing to happen to me." as she fell into complete darkness.


Darkness was the only thing Sophia could see for miles as she took in where she was as well as noticing there was no sign of light anywhere which made her start to panic on the inside as she kept her face emotionless "It is too dark to see in this place "she said speaking to herself as her voice echoed through the darkness."

Looking around in confusion to see if she can find any sign of light peaking through the darkness she once again spoke to herself."But where am I know this isn't a dream as the last thing I remember is the car crash. "she spoke with sadness in her voice.

Lost in her thoughts at the realization that she must have died during the accident she was suddenly knocked back into reality by a deep voice that unknowingly calmed her down as it echoed around the room "Do not fret dear one, your spirit was summoned by me".Shocked that there was someone else in the room with her as well as confirming her thoughts about not surviving the accident, looking around to see if she could identify where the voice was coming from she spoke with a calm voice"You telling me not to fret?, Really,?".

Finding amusement in his chosen one the unknown voice spoke in a gentle tone." I am considering you knew me quite well when you were a small child?" the unknown voice spoke once again.

Not understanding what the voice meant, out of nowhere a bright light illuminated forcing her to shield her eyes with her arms, when the light died down she finally resiled that it was now safe to uncover her eyes.

When she was able to manage to regain her vision she looked around with absolute shock at what she was seeing, which she could now identify as some weird-looking dimension, but what knocked the breath out of her was what she made eye contact with looking right back at her was the god of all Pokémon itself Arceus it was said that he created all of the reality in the Pokémon world and even managed to created Pokémon themselves as well as the incarnations of Space, Time and Anti Matter.

With wide eyes, she looked on with complete and utter disbelief on her face at what she was seeing "Holy shit your Arceus the God of Pokémon, not to be rude or anything but your a lot larger in person." She spoke hoping that he didn't offend the Pokémon in front of her.

Only to receive a light laugh in response "Indeed I am dear one, I am Arceus the creator of the world of Pokémon He dramatically introduces himself.

Still not understanding why she was here she looked at Arceus with confusion before asking "What is it you want from me, you said you summoned me here?" she asked making sure to be loud enough to be heard.

"You were born in the wrong world young one"Arceus spoke in a calming voice as he looked at the human in front of him, she blinked in surprise with shock written across her features at what she just heard before she could ask another question Arceus carried on speaking "I am going to get straight to the point, how would you like to be transported to a world you where meant to born into?"

When Arceus refused that she could have a second chance at life Sophia's eyes looked at him with a surprised look she wasn't expecting the God of all Pokémon to ask her of all people to go into the world of Pokémon, as she thought about it she always felt there was a connection there when she used to watch the anime when she was child-like something was missing but she couldn't understand what it was."I would like to know the life I could have had." She spoke looking at the Pokémon in front of him.   

Giving a look of understanding to the human in front of him Arceus spoke "I had a feeling you would say that". Before Sophia could understand what was happening his vision started to turn blurry so that only the outline of Arceus could still be seen as she was once again surrounded in complete and utter darkness but before he passed out the last thing he heard was "Good luck chosen one".

The next thing Sophia knew an unknown light that was bright and beaming on her making her close her eyes when she discovered she could reopen them she tried to
look around to see if she could recognise anything or anyone, she felt herself get picked up by someone along with being wrapped up into something warm and soft while being passed to a face that looked familiar as an unknown man with dark hair stood beside the bed the woman was in watching while smiling down at her with tears in his violet eyes.

 A doctor walked over to where she and the woman were with a smile on his face "Congratulations, Nurse Joy and Mr Horikita, you have a beautiful baby girl he said in a deep rich voice that echoed through the room. "Have you given a thought of, what you will name her?" Looking at the doctor the new mother nodded her head "Alyssa. Her name is Alyssa Horikita" she replied looking at her husband before looking back to her daughter as they made eye contact the baby gurgled in happiness making those smile at the scene that was playing out in front of them.

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